Chapter 2 -Rude Awakening-

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As the dawn bled the night away, the treacherous winds buffeted the small town of Wolfs Peak. Birds began to chirp their morning song as the murky grey clouds parted, giving way to the morning suns rays of light.

The wind began to slow down to a light breeze as the town began to stir. On the furthest edge of the town a small cluster of old houses sat secluded from the rest of the town, engulfed by thickets of trees parting only in a dirt track that connected it to the rest of the town. The creaking of the houses began to set. Silence blanketed over the houses.

Through the mullioned widows of the most decrepit house, light began to seep through, scattering past the holy curtains and across a frail form of a teenage boy, chest rising up and down rapidly as a sheen of sweat slowly grew on him. The blaring sun rays cast itself across his face slowly waking him from his restless slumber. His brows began to furrow. A whimper escaped his rosy lips before he shot up. His breath escaping rapidly.

"It was just a dream" he muttered to himself as he relived the vivid dream that had plagued him for the past year. It was always the same, he would be in the middle of a field feeling helpless and alone and would wake up when he felt the orb enter him. With a groan he squeezed his eyes shut trying to rid his mind of the terrible feelings that always followed this particular dream. He took in a deep breath trying to calm his mind and body after a moment he released a failing exhale. He groaned and let himself fall back onto the bed. Rolling over onto his side to shield himself from the light. eyes shot wide open, letting out a yelp as he fell loudly off the creaky bed, onto the wooden floor.



He tried to untangle himself from the sheets to get up, freezing when he felt a warm liquid trail along his skin, raising his hand to the heat he felt on his forehead, he pulled it back to see fingers tainted with drops of blood.

His eyes shot up when he heard a commotion of slamming in the distance. Staring at the door with deer like eyes, a whimper slipped from his lips as the footsteps approaching his room got louder.

Inside him his wolf was restless, every pore on his skin released a silent plea for at him to hide but before he could move, the door slammed open, the colour draining from his face as he looked on in horror at the towering figure that blocked his doorway, the light for the corridor hit the tall muscle clad figures body causing a halo of light to surround the man and casting a shadow on his ominous features.

The incessant internal screaming to run ceased. Silence and a dreadful anticipation filled him as the man stalked towards him. Every footstep causing the boys body to quiver slightly making him crawl until his back was pressed up against the cold hard frame of his bed. Looking up as the man stopped in front of him he began to tremble in fear. The anger that radiated off the man in waves was palpable. He squeezed his eyes shut he tried blocking out the world, praying that he was still asleep and that this was another nightmare. Bringing his knees to his chest and sent out his silent prayer as a preemptive tear escaped  down onto his cheek.

"I'm s-sorry, p-please, I-I'm s-" the boy began stuttering.

"Your gonna wish you hadn't woken me up you little..." the booming bass of the larger man's voice filled the room.

Without completing his insult the man grabbed the boy by his golden locks and pulled him to his feet.

Biting his lips to hold back the scream in his throat, he looked up into the menacing mans dark black eyes that held only contempt towards him. The boy whimpered feeling himself start to tremble uncontrollably with fear and dread.

"D-dad please, I didn't mean -"
Stars erupted across his vision as his face snapped to the side...

He didn't know how long it went on for, he just knew it ended with the slamming of his door. The retreating of the heavy footsteps somewhat calmed him. Giving him pause to breathe. Still curled up on the floor in the fetal position he raised his head from his arms and let out a shaky sigh of relief as he listened to the footsteps get further away till a door slammed in the distance.

Bracing his arms against the floor he groaned as he attempted to push himself up to sit but the pain was too much and his arms buckled causing him to fall down on the floor. 'Why am I so weak' he thought. His eyes squeezed shut causing tears to burn hot trails down his face. Anger and sorrow vibrated through is being. Anger at himself for being too weak to stand up for himself and put an end to all the pain that he was forced to endure and sorrow for the fact that he knew he deserved a better life than this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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