last day in the U.S

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By the way if you would like to share any ideas then go ahead because I'm honestly clueless...


I finished packing my bags for a trip we are taking well it's not a trip it's basically just moving just by myself this time..

My dad called my name out so he could drive me to the airport "it's your last day here and I really hope you know that I'm really going to miss you" my older brother told me I never knew he had such a small little love inside him

after all these years psh "I'm going to miss you too now I have to go my flight now its going to take off in an hour " I told him as I said my goodbyes to my family as my dad waited for me outside of the house then we got in the car and left the house

At the airport

And yet again my dad couldn't handle me going somewhere by myself even though I'm 26 "are you sure you can do this by yourself " he asks

"yes I'm gonna be fine either way at least I don't have to be locked up in my room or the house without going anywhere for 26 years " I laughed and surprisingly he did too I thought he was going to yell at me for something dumb he yells for

"I'm gonna miss you okay y/n you make me so proud for being your father and so lucky too you also make jokes that don't make any sense but they are still funny I just hope you know that it's gonna be a tough road without us and I love you so much " he told me

I was shocked and I didn't even notice that my eyes were tearing up from just staring and listening at what he said "I.. I.." is all what came out of my mouth he looked a bit disappointed but the plane was going to leave in 15 minutes and I started walking away until I turned around and started

Running "DAD! DAD! DAD!" I kept shouting he turned around and I threw my arms around him "I'm going to miss you so much to dad and I love you so much " I said with tears flowing down my eyes he smiled and started crying "I have to go now take care of mom for me please " I said as I walked away back to my suitcase "I will take care of her " is all I heard from a distance.


After going through that process I finally found my seat in the plane which was empty nobody was sitting next to me I was glad so I put my belongings up and sat next to the window I decided to play lover by Taylor swift it was my favorite song but as soon as the plane started going up I closed my window immediately realizing that it's really high up and we could somehow possibly die in a crash and because I have a major fear of heights.

So I knocked out off to a big long nap it was like a dream I never had peace and quiet I shut my eyes and not even five minutes later a baby starts crying 'oh Jesus Christ why can't we ever have peace here' I mumbled to myself but turns out somebody heard me it was a blonde man he looked like he came out the dishwasher because he looked so clean he had perfect cheekbones and really beautiful blue eyes his face was carved so nicely

"I don't think you should say that" he laughs and then he decides to move out of the seat in front of me and then decided to sit next to me -oh god when will this get worse ... I thought to myself

"Oh uhm but I thought it was going to be all quiet Yknow I mean it is my first ever plane ride" I chuckled

"Really? Well I suppose ive never met anyone who has never been on a plane before, I'm Jamie by the way" he said in a soft British tone

"Oh hello Jamie I'm y/n" I said confused because I just met this man on a plane I honestly never knew I could make a friend while on a plane I mean it's ridiculous

"Your British?" I asked Jamie with a concerned look on my face

"Is that supposed to be an insult" he says moving his head slowly looking at me

"No no no no it's just ive never met someone whos British ever in my life and it's actually unique to have a accent like that" I told him until someone walked passed and looked over to Jamie and then came back with their mouth on the floor "your Jamie campbell bower I'm a huge fan I really love the movie you did the one that is called city of bones" the kid said excitedly then he walked away

Movie? Huge fan? City of bones? Was he an actor? I thought to myself he looked over to me and saw my face " you okay looks like you have seen a gh-" I cut him off by asking " are you an actor? " I said " yes erm and a musician I have a band called counterfeit I play head singer and my brother is a guitarist"

"I didn't know any of that I wasn't really allowed to watch TV for more than an hour so I rarely knew some actors" I said as he looked at me shocked "okay uhm let's forget about that" he told me "I haven't asked this darling but why are you going to london?" He said after a couple minutes passed by

"Just moving out to a place I've been wanting to go since I was a little girl so I'm trying to head there really early so I could learn more about london but I think I'm going to stay here and and I also got a job offering somewhere there and I'm going to be starting in a couple months" I said just noticing how long I was talking

"Bloody hell a couple months lucky you I guess" he chuckled "I really don't think that's lucky" I said as I dozed off into a long nap.

Jamies pov)))))
"Well I think it's lucky I mean I have t-" I cut myself off by looking over and seeing her as cuddled up sleeping like a child Jesus I can't wait for her to meet sam someday maybe they would fall in love who am I kidding sam doesn't believe in love... I smiled as I dozed off to sleep as well...


I honestly hope you guys enjoy this sam x oc I'm kind of thinking to put y/n in a part where she walks around and she bumps into sa- you think I would tell you a while spoiler noooo I mean who knows what's going to happen in the next chapter

The Guitarist  ( sam bower x oc) Where stories live. Discover now