part 2

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"Attention flighters the plane is about to land please put your seatbelts on and enjoy the last bit of time on this plane to london" the captain of the plane said as I slowly wake up I opened my window and holy shit it was beautiful not only that it was dark I thought we were going to be here in the day time

I looked over and saw Jamie knocked out as in someone knocking him out so I wiggled his arm waking him up and a small groan escaped his lips ending up looking the other way of the side so I had to do it *SMACK* "what was that for? " Jamie asked while rubbing his head

"We are gonna leave idiot we have to get our stuff" I told him nicely
"Alright alright so you like to hit complete strangers that you barely met for what 2 days" he told me furiously "uhm not rlly that doesn't make us strangers if we met 2 days ago"

"You know" Jamie said out of nowhere while he was getting his belongings "my younger brother word really like you I suppose" "I suppose" I mimicked him while making a voice he laughed and said "yea he would you both act different which is good but same personality just in a different body does that make sense? " "uhm yea... No" I told him while walking to the airport in London I looked over to Jamie and he was smiling at some group of boys

"That's my band " he looked over to me and smiled so did I but I just realized I had to go "hey uhm maybe we could meet up again I really have to go " I asked him "yea sure" we swapped phone numbers and I left to find a nice hotel to stay in for a couple days

Jamies pov))))

Who was that" Sam asked "it was someone I met on the plane I think you would really like her " I said smiling at him while hugging the rest of the group

"Like her what do you mean by that" he asked as he helped me with my luggages "like she kind of acts like you but she's really silly and goofy and chill" I looked at Sam he didn't have a response until we got into the vehicle "I mean she is kinda.. " I cut him off and smirked at him knowing my little brother is falling in love "cute? Hm? " "no no no no not that well yes .. " he said in a defending tone it went quiet so I decided to cheer everyone up and cracked jokes in the back seat we were all laughing not realizing we already stopped Infront of the hotel

"Here we go" I mumbled with women flooding over to us asking for pictures but we grabbed my luggages and ran inside seeing a familiar face in the corner of my eye....

I'm so sorry that I took really long to post this one I apologize but I will be posting parts daily for now on <33 I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter

The Guitarist  ( sam bower x oc) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora