Correlative Conjunction

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Correlative Conjunction; or, so, because & or; they are easily used everyday words to join words, clauses, and phrases together.

Correlative conjunctions join statements of related information.

either & or ( positive choices)

not only & but also (surprise)

neither & nor (negative choices)

both & and (included)

Either & or

which are means choices. It's give you a choice.

ex : "either you pay me the money or I'll break you leg."

it means; two choices. pay the money or break the leg.

not only & but also

which are means surprise

ex : "not only was she happy, but she also get married."

it means there are two surprises. and there are more even surprises. she was happy and she get married.

neither & nor

it means not this & not that. it's not a choice. but actually, it seems like a choice.

"neither you nor your friend can come to my party!"

both & and

which are means included. 

"Both my brother and my father love baseball."

now, we are finished with the method. Now we turn into the quiz. Match each question with the choices below. Good Luck!

Example :

not only was it of great quality, but it was also cheap. ___

a. Inclusion 

b. Choice

c. negation

d. surprise

the answer : d. surprise

the quiz. prepare your pen and book.

1. They told me to either buy the shoes or put it back. ___

a. Inclusion

b. Choice

c. negation

d. surprise

2. the dog neither ate nor slept at night. ___

a. Inclusion

b. Choice

c. negation

d. surprise

3. Both the man and his dog were stupid. ___

a. Inclusion

b. Choice

c. negation

d. surprise

4. Either you watch the program or we turn off the TV. ___

a. Inclusion

b. Choice

c. negation

d. surprise

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