Chapter 2

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"Sara Sirita, can I enter your game?" They both asked in unison.

They flipped the coins over their heads and when they heard they land they turned around to grab them.

Severus heard Harry say "I got a yes! What about you Sev?"

Severus grabbed his coin and said "I also got a yes.."

Harry squealed and said "Okay! Do you want to ask the first question?!"

Severus nodded and smirked he would ask an obvious question and since Harry has called him bog brother so many times now then it should be obvious especially if he is specific enough.

"Sara Sirita, does my little brother, Harry Snape, have a crush on Tom Riddle?" Severus asked.

Harry blushed and they both flipped the coins over their heads.

Harry was the first to grab his coin and said "I have yes.."

Severus smirked and said "I also have yes.."

Harry pouted and said "My turn.."

Harry thought and smiled as he asked "Sara Sirita are you able to touch us?"

They flipped the coins over their heads and quickly got them.

Harry smiled a little and said "I have yes.."

Severus said "I got no.."

Harry giggled and said "So maybe they can! Maybe they don't know if they can though.."

Severus thought about his question for a second before smirking "Sara Sirita, will you try to tickle the boy in front of me?"

Harry growled and they flipped the coins over their heads.

Severus got his and waited for Hsrry to get his.

Harry was pouting as he said "I got yes.."

Severus smirked and said "I also got a yes!"

Harry pouted and waited and after a few seconds he felt something poke his stomach and he giggled softly.

Severus smirked and said "Your turn.."

Harry glares at him and asked "Sara Sirita, does Draco Malfoy actually like me?"

They flipped the coins over their heads and Severus found his first and said "Yes."

Harry found his and said "No..."

Severus said "They wouldn't know Harry berry calm down.."

Harry nodded and said "Yeah I guess.."

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