Martin Li

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Spider-Man swings after the helicopter Martin got in and Kate calls him. " I heard a report of a helicopter with a wrecking ball." she said. "It's complicated! Turns out Martin Li is running the demons!" Spider-Man cried. "Martin Li? You mean the guy who runs the feast Center?" Kate asked. "Like I said. Complicated." Spider-Man replied as he chases the helicopter. Daredevil sees this and gets in pursuit of the helicopter after Spider-Man, the two heroes dodge rockets and get after the helicopter and land on top of it. " We have to stop this helicopter" Spider-Man cried. Daredevil replies with " That's our plan, try to cut it off." Spider-Man complies and swings to cut off the helicopter and he succeeds.

Spidey and Daredevil manage to stop the helicopter and save countless lives. But much work is still needed to be done.

Spider-Man and Daredevil: Shadows RisingWhere stories live. Discover now