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Maybe feeling that today was a bit off Keith got up early and prepared early, even the young lad hasn't woken up yet, it's 5 o'clock in the morning and the young lad would always wake up at 6 o'clock sharp,bath for 30 minutes eats breakfast for 20 minutes and made sure to watch Keith eat the same meal for another 10 minutes then at 7 o'clock sharp he starts checking files while Keith clean his room

How'd Keith know all this?? Well, he's the personal butler, he is the one that ordered and personally organizes the young lad's schedule it's just that Keith didn't expect for him to follow it and more so he changed the 'free time' to watching him eat his breakfast

And why is he feeling off about today? Well a certain someone was coming to visit and he is beyond anxious internally, the heroine's best friend, Chris, is coming to discuss about changing class to be the same as the heroine, why did he came here for that and not the principal? Well it's quite the same, that principal was just to replace him so he could study but in reality he is the actual principal, you could call it co-principal

He's coming at 7, 30 sharp and somehow he thinks that he'll mess up again so he couldn't sleep and even if he slept he would dream about it and wake up to hot sweats

Unconsciously, he had cleaned the hall spotless because he was anxious, it was a sight to be proud of for him certainly, after that he goes out to the garden to take a fresh air

The garden was large like the mansion, one could get lost without knowing the ways that's why the garden is mostly deserted and almost no one come here, he goes to the maze to get out of the mansion before him

This was a secret of his, when he's free he'd go here to have fun since almost nobody visits near the young lad mansion but unintentionally he had jinxed himself as he heard a rustling from in front of him, confusion rose because he was sure no one dare steps closer to the house of the young lad but nonetheless without much hesitation he steps forward to take a look, the sounds grew louder each steps he takes,

The next second his neck was cut off in a swift and fast motion leaving his eyes blinking from shock,but imagined if that's what really happened as he move the bushes to the side so he could look and clearly from the sound he discovered it was a....
... Fish? A literal fish

It was a majestic fish, I doubt people wouldn't be tempted to take it home and leave it for decoration, the weird thing is that he didn't know what kind of fish this is, he picked it up with both hands and spin it around to have a better look and clearly this fish never exist in his previous world,

"How long has it been exposed to the ground, how did it survive?" He would always talk out loud when he's out of the mansion

Upon hearing his voice the fish suddenly stopped it's movements and jumped to the side making the big eye facing him, maybe suddenly shocked by the sudden move Keith stood up and decided to let it get back to its own habitant, being near the water the fish was reluctant to let go and leave Keith, he was confused to the extreme so he couldn't help but shakes his hands in a fast motion but it still didn't come off, he sighed out loud, the fish suddenly flinched even Keith was scared that the fish could do such thing

"Alrighty little fish.. do you not want to go back?"

The two stares at each other for a minute or more before Keith heaves a sigh again,

"Fine, alright let me make you a small pond, for now stay in the water okay?"

He lowered his hands and put the guy in the lake going back but then suddenly hearing a splash quickly he reacted, looking behind it was the fish with a.... teary eyes..? If it had eyes of human it'd look like it's crying he had no choice but to make the small pond near the large lake so that the fish wouldn't suspect him of leaving

"So childish... Fish can't even feel anything neither understand anything.. why am I even doing this!"

His head drooped low, looking tired

At last, the small pond that is already decorated is finished after placing the water in it, he puts the majestic fish to lives in it, placing a large sign so that people could see and having it's said, "someone's pet, don't touch, it bites"

Looking towards the sun, Keith suddenly panicked, what time was it? Did the young lad woke up? Will he be mad if he knew? What would he do now? Many thoughts were racing but none would stay and quickly he does things more fast and sloppy

"Er uhm, fish, I'll be back another day, I got to go to work!"
He left just as quickly as he came before

There was a poof special effect sound in the majestic fish's pond looking up from it you could see a man from his mid twenties sitting covered in wet robe, his hair was a long black to blue gardiant hair half of his hair was tied up into a bun, he was sitting on top of the majestic pond with a smile following that, soft laughter could be heard

Back to Keith's side, he saw many servants outside at the hallway panicking and rushing everywhere but after walking pass Keith they suddenly felt relief, looking sideways at them he felt nervous

He knocked on the door that radiates gloomy energy, "Come in." A deep and toxic voice sounded, sounding both sad and angry not that Keith knew, he thought that voice only held angryness so he is very nervous currently

"Excuse me young master, for the rude interruption" his voice though held no emotion even if he's nervous and that's the thing, he isn't emotionless it's just whenever he wanted to made it clear that he have emotions he couldn't because of his new voice, it was a tricky thing because he couldn't do pretense anymore,

Perhaps hearing that voice or maybe seeing that face, William's mood lifted and thus the mansion seems like it wasn't terrifying at all like the minutes before

"Keith... How could you leave without noticing anyone.." William said with a sad tone and teary eyes like a puppy who got abandoned

Not comfortable with sadness being pour to him he didn't know what to do, as he wasn't the best at comforting but nonetheless step forward and pat the sad puppy and William face had a shocked expression if you didn't look closely you wouldn't notice the red heart in his eyes changed into a much vibrant red and a slight blush,

"My deepest apologies.. for worrying you, young master.." Keith said patting his head stiffly while his eyes look somewhere else and a blush creep up,

'ahh this is so embarrassing.."

William though had a different thought when seeing this,

'i-is Keith FALLING IN LOVE WITH ME???!!?!?' red alerts were ringing loud in his brain and thus he ordered that today Keith is to go rest in his room

After Keith got out William's emotions began to stirred dangerously big, all kind of things appeared in his (sick)mind

William's Pov;





IS.. HE?

D-does he likes me?

Oh god..

End of pov;

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