Chapter 1

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Wei Wuxian was bored. He loved being in Cloud Recesses with his amazing husband but there were times he missed the hustle and bustle of Yunmeng. The market stall owners who knew him by name, kids crowding him as he walked down the street and enjoying the loudness of not only his voice but everyone else's. He missed the liveliness; Cloud Recesses was too quiet. He briefly considered going to see Jiang Cheng but that would take days and he wasn't sure the journey was worth the awkward atmosphere that still managed to persist around him and his brother. It had been 2 years since he returned with his husband to this peaceful tranquillity. Usually he was kept busy by the juniors, particularly Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi, he chuckled as he remembered taking them to Caiyi Town and persuading Lan Jingyi to drink with him; he didn't take that much convincing.

"Ah I'm so bored!" Wei Wuxian exclaimed, making his way to the Jingshi he knew Lan Wangji would be another few hours. As if the role of being the Chief Cultivator wasn't demanding enough, Lan Wangji was now subject to long, tedious and boring meetings. He knew they were just as boring for his husband as he had had more of a few of his secret messaging talisman appear in front of him while Lan Wangji was in a meeting. The Jingshi was always calm, the soft sandalwood scent he had come to love pervaded through the intimate space. Traces of him and Lan Wangji were constant throughout the space, Lan Wangji's Quqin, his ChenQing, their clothes. Lan Wangji's were neatly away while his own were messily scattered, he knew while his husband preferred neatness he knew his husband liked the reminder that Wei Wuxian was here, with him.

'Where is the Emperor's Smile' Wei Wuxian thought to himself as he headed towards where he knew the delicious wine lay beneath the loose floorboard. Plopping himself down on the floor he drew out a bottle, "ah I wish A-Yuan were here instead of on a night hunt" he muttered to himself, "I suppose I should find something to read to entertain myself." Getting up from the floor with his wine in hand he headed towards Lan Wangji's bookshelf. He knew what to expect, books on cultivation, music and workbooks. He smiled as he saw the workbook from when they were 15 nestled amongst his husband's things, he knew the flower Lan Wangji stole while secretly kissing him was in that book. Hit with an unbridled desire to run his fingers over the dried precious petals he pulled the book out, only to notice the corner of a hidden book behind it.

"I haven't noticed this before," he said to himself, he didn't realise his husband still hid things from him. He had to know just what his Lan Zhan had hidden even from his eyes. Pulling the book out he found a comfortable spot and opened the book.

There is destruction everywhere, the Yiling Lazou is too powerful and none can oppose him.

Wei Wuxian blinked as he read the opening line in Lan Wangji's unmistakeable perfect script. He blinked again. Closing the book again he glanced at the cover only to be met with a blank cover. 'What on earth is this?' he couldn't help but think but he needed to know what Lan Wani thought of him at that time. He realised the book was old by 15 years at the least, what if he hated him at that time? Would he hate him again? Gulping Wei Wuxian decided that he would rather know what his husband thought of him and brace himself for the knowledge rather than wonder. It wasn't like he had anything to do for the next few hours and Lan Wangji would be in his meeting for a while.

He continued reading.

All the sect leaders are worried about how much power he wields, how he could be training a new sect who could take over the cultivation world with their dark immense power. But there was one who knew better than that, he knew the Yiling Lazou sheltered only those who truly needed his protection.

Wei Wuxian couldn't help but chuckle as he realised that that was exactly what most of the sect leaders chose to believe and he realised, Lan Wangji wrote this after he had visited him at the Burial Mounds.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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