Ch25- Drunken awakenings and Deep and Meaningfuls... Pfft.

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"Helloooo." The Australians voice sounded down the line, causing me to internally sigh in relief. We had returned from getting tea at the late night diner, only to find Cherie passed out- asleep on her bed and both Carson and Dustin gone.

"Carson? Are you okay? Where are you? Are you with Dustin? Everyone's been trying to call you all night!" I ramble, trying to make sure she's okay.

After a few moments in silence, she slurs her response. "Whattt?"

Then it hits me. "Are you drunk?!" I exclaimed. That's where they went tonight. Of course it is. For fuck sakes!

Obviously hearing my tone, she jumps to defend herself. Not without quiet laughter in the background most likely from Dustin. "No. We bought a ton of lollies and just finished eating pizzaa." She lied, giggling.

"Don't lie to me Carson. It's quarter to one. Where the hell are you?!" I stated, growing angry. How could she be so immature?! I mean, she signed a contract and tonight isn't even considered a 'night off'. They couldn't even go one bus trip without getting completely hammered.

"Calmmm." She requests through the speaker, causing my anger to spike even further. "W-we just have one more thing to do and we'll be back." She calmly states, obviously unaffected by the fact that hey, we are all waiting on them to return. Literally. Max gestures at me to calm down, obviously seeing my built up tension.

"No Carson, seriously, get back here now before management finds out or god forbid, someone sees you and you both get fired!" I whisper, kinda harshly mind you, but you know.

"Don't worry Demi, we can take care of ourselves, I will see you laterrrrrrr." She slurs moments later before obviously hanging up in my ear. WTF? Well okay then.

"What happened?" Nat questioned from the couch opposite me, gazing up from her laptop.

"She hung up on me!" I quietly exclaimed after receiving a few harsh looks for obviously being too loud.

Nat just smirks. "That is so typical."

"What's even more typical is what they've been doing. Guess where they are?"

"Bar?" She replied, raising an eyebrow, grinning at my nod. "I gotta admit, I saw that one coming from a mile away."

"Yes! I mean, does that girl want to get herself fired?!" I stated.

Nat chuckles. "She had a rough day, it's kinda obvious she was going to get drunk."

"I guess, but still!"

"Why are you so-" Nat was then promptly cut off by my phone blaring Carson's specified ringtone again.. The land down under.. Because you know, the song not only irritates the shit out of her, but I just found it funny.

"What? Do you want me to call you a taxi now?" I demand, a little bit harshly into the receiver as I pick up, causing Nat to shake her head and laugh.

All I could hear were whispered conversations and giggling before her voice once again filled the receiver. "You're a really good kisser by the wayyy. And your really nicee, and have a great ass, and like yeahhh." She finishes slurring, causing me to blush a deep shade of red- only to hear the dial tone in my ear once again.

I look down at my phone as I pull it away from my ear, completely unsure of how to take that. I have never, in my 6 months of knowing her, ever, heard her say anything remotely close to that. She always claimed she never drunk called. Lies.

"What did she do just then?!" Nat exclaims, looking at me with intrigue.

"What did who do just then?" Marissa stated as she appeared, along with Alecia and Holly both in tow.

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