Beans take a stand

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After Izabel left the cracker lupita they were happy but didn't show it as they kept the same unamused face.

As they walked by they saw their gay friends alex and beaner daddy Axel with Mr. Bennet in a skirt. Izabel rolled their eyes and walked away from the aight or at least they tried.

Mr. Bennet called their name izabel turned to look at them and realized that alex was in a dress. 'Am I high' izabel thought.

They were all talking to izabel yet they were ignoring the other 3 and they just walked away while mentally cursing in their head for staying with them even if it was for 2 minutes.

(Back with the 3)

Daddy Axel and Mr. Bennet kept arguing but alex was also starting to get annoyed so then he....

To be continued..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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