Prologue {ENGLISH}

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It looks like some kind of dense forest, in outskirts of Mumbai

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It looks like some kind of dense forest, in outskirts of Mumbai. The waterfalls! Big and small! beautiful valleys bedded with numerous indigenous and exotic plats, including herbs! medicinal plants, fauna & flora of different species are increasing the beauty of nature. One can hear melodious chirps of birds. Seems like mother nature is humming a melodious tune for its residents.

Somewhere deep inside this forest, there stands an old village cum town

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Somewhere deep inside this forest, there stands an old village cum town. Residents of this place are residing here for generations. Some have moved out, to big cities for better life, while some remained rooted to their home land. People are doing their daily chores. There are huts on one side of the village, with small shops on other side. A well in a corner of the village, with a small school in another corner.

It's almost 5:30pm in the evening. Children are playing around in the village. Old people are sitting under a tree, having their own conversation, while ladies are preparing for dinner. Everything seems great for these people, when there arrives 4-5 jungle safari jeeps.

As the vehicles arrive, the villager's attention is seeked by it. Soon, these vehicle stop & a man in his 50's hops out, when a bodyguard of his, opens the back door of jeep for him.

This man walks towards the village, gazing around with an evil smirk. The villagers welcomes him, as for them "Atithi Devo Bhawa!"(Guest is God), though this man is a total stranger for him.

"Greeting sir! Who are you?" An old man, asks this man politely.

"I have a proposal for the chief of this village. Where is he?" This man says.

"Yes sir! I am the chief of this clan, Hari Kishan! And you are......?" The same old man, who introduces himself as chief of village, utters.

"Oh i see!! So, you are the head of this tribe!.. i mean mukhiya.!" This man corrects as Hari doesn't understand the English.

"He is Mr. Rituraj Singhania! A rebound industrialist and businessman of Mumbai. You can say he's the king of Mumbai." Rituraj's PA gives his boss's introduction.

"And I am his personal secretary, Ajay! Singhania sir wants to buy your land for building his forest resorts here. But inspite of sending his proposal several times, you have denied his offer. Thats why he himself had to visit you." Ajay concludes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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