Gravity Falls, It's Good To Be Back.

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It was raining when Dipper and Mabel Pines arrived back in Gravity Falls, at least it wasn't storming! Mabel was asleep, and Dipper was writing in his own journal. 'The bus stopped just where it was to pick us up last summer.' Dipper thought as tears dotted his eyes. He missed everyone dearly, and was excited to see everyone again. "Well kids, this is your stop." The bus driver called back to them. "Thank you!" Dipper replied, nudging Mabel awake. "What? Where are we again." Mabel asked sleepily. "Oh, oh wait. WE"RE HERE! WE'RE HERE!!" Mabel yelled in excitement. "Yeah yeah, come on, grab your bags, don't forget Waddles." Dipper said, getting off the bus. He grabbed the umbrella he had in his coat and put it up. Mabel on the other hand, dashed right out into the rain and slipped on the mud. "Shoot." Mabel said, standing up. Dipper rolled his eyes. "Come on, we're gonna be late." He said to Mabel. 

                                                      *At the entrance to the Mystery Shack*

"Hey, where is everyone?" Mabel questioned. Dipper noticed a note nailed to the door. "Out grabbing food, be back later. ~Mystery Shack staff" Dipper read aloud. "Aw. I was so happy." Mabel said with a sad look in her eyes. Waddles just stood there, and oinked. "Well, I guess we should pay a visit to everyone's favorite triangle." Dipper said with a dark expression. "Wait, really?" Mabel looked at him concerningly. 'Hmm, maybe that's a bad idea. I mean, he did try to kill us and the entire world.' "Yes, I think we should pay some respect to him. After all he did work really hard to get into this dimension. Even if he did have evil means." "Yeah, but, I guess we could." Mabel said in a shaky tone.

                                          *Out there, somewhere in the woods...The Cipher statue*

'Wow, I can't believe it's still here.' Dipper thought to himself. "Uh, hello!? Earth to Dipper Pines?" Mabel said, waving her hand in front of her bro's face. "Huh. oh, what? Um, sorry. Lost in thought, wouldn't be the first time" Dipper chuckled. "Duh. Anyways, we're here, why didja want to come out here anyway. It's cold and rainy. Besides, I bet everyone's back from the store by now." Mabel says in a matter-of-fact tone. "Mmm, you're right. If you want to go back to the Shack, go ahead, I'll be back soon." Dipper said. '

'Hmm, he's acting strange. I mean, he woke up in the middle of the night because visions Bill might come back, then he would stay awake for hours afterward.' Mabel thought as she walked away from Dipper and the Cipher statue. 'Besides, I got weird chills around that cursed statue. Eh, whatevs. I get to see Candy and Grenda tomorrow!' Mabel thought.

'Is he really dead? Will he come back?' The rain, that Dipper had not noticed, started pouring down on him and the nearby statue. He started heading back for the Shack, only stopping once before leaving the clearing to turn and look back at the monster that had ruled over this beloved town. His dear friend, in fact.


"Guess what kid, I like you. you're gonna stay here in this palace with me for all of eternity!" The floating triangle said to Dipper in a cheerful voice. "But why? If you're trying to impress me Bill, it's not working" Dipper stared blankly at the floating Dorito in front of him. "Oh, well, you caught me." Bill told him, putting his hands up in surrender. "All I'm trying to do is get some friends in this 3D world." Bill began to tell Dipper, turning to face him. "really? Is that why you captured me, to get me to be your friend? I thought those goons were your friends?" Dipper told him in annoyance, while trying to find a way out of that place. "Oh, they are. but if you're objecting to my offer to be my friend, I guess I'll have to do things the hard way. you could have had your own galaxy, infinite powers, fame, riches, or anything else your young heart desires you know" Bill said in a grim tone. He snapped his fingers and Dipper's hand started floating towards his own. "Wat, no, no, please don't do this." Dipper yelled in fear. "Too late kid. you had your chance to go free. Not anymore!" Bill laughed. His hand ignited in blue flames. "It's a deal!" Their hands met and the flames enveloped Dippers' and Bills' hands.

                                                                        *End of flashback. Present Time.*

Dipper was restless that night. Thoughts of Bill and the "Friendship Deal" Bill called it floated throughout his mind. Mabel, on the other hand, still sang in her sleep, so that didn't help. Tonight, she was singing 'Taking Over Midnight', it was awful. Dip hadn't known that he had gotten out of bed until he was back in front of  Bill Cipher's statue. There were odd whispers containing A.X.O.L.O.T.L, whatever that means. "Man it's cold tonight." Dipper thought aloud. He leaned closer to the statue and the whispers became a little clearer. There was definitely A.X.O.L.O.T.L and deals being said. Dipper backed away, but then something strange started happening, Bill's hand started glowing. "What the-" Dipper reached out for the glowing hand, then pulled back. But some entity forced his hand at Bill's.  *BOOM* The earth shook and Dipper was knocked into a tree. The statue had tipped over and the sound of laughter went ringing through the woods. Dipper, on the other hand, had passed out for a few seconds and was woken by the sound of a familiar voice. It was Bill Cipher himself, standing in front of Dipper. 'Wait, standing??? What??'   

"Well, Didja miss me Pine Tree? Admit it, you missed Me!"


 Welp, first chapter done! Half of this chapter's credits go to @Eomi_Cobalt or Wesley_REDACT, Thank you! I will update soon!               


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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Huh, What Gravity? (A Somewhat Bill Cipher x Dipper Pines fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now