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Afraid "Nakago" is going to hurt Yui, the Genbu warriors attack him. Chichiri blocks them and knocks them out to protect them. Nakago uses a chi blast to destroy Tomo's shin, returning Yui to normal. Tomo escapes to a chamber where he begs someone to forgive his failure, but the person kills him. Taiitsukun pops in and explains that Miaka and Yui's summoning of their gods at the same time has thrown off the usual 100 year cycle, and that everything that happened with Tamahome since he met Kaen was an illusion. The man who killed Tomo reveals himself to be Tenkou, the god Nakago once served, and captures Yui in a globe. Nuriko, Chiriko, Mitsukake and Hotohori materialize as well, as a precursor to Miaka's arrival. Tenkou attacks her, but a Nyan-Nyan protects her. Suboshi uses his Ryuseisui to shatter the globe holding Yui, after Amiboshi assures him it is okay. Before he dies Suboshi tells Yui that he loves her. Tamahome struggles against the spell of the kodoku, but he finally breaks free when he hears Miaka calling him. Yui uses her two of her wishes as the Priestess of Genbu to seal Tenkou and to revive Takiko. She then must use her last wish to permanently seal the book, severing the connection between the two worlds. Miaka and Tamahome tearfully say goodbye, and he returns the ring she gave him. As the two crying girls are being transported home, Miaka was still holding the ring, but Yui tells it to return where it belongs and it falls back into the book world. The next day, as they head to school, they decide to skip. In the book world, Taiitsukun tells Tamahome that if he wants to be with Miaka, he must find seven globes. Tamahome grins and says he only lives for Miaka. 

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