Chapter 14

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Nye's POV.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the paramedics drag Carl out on the bed. His body covered with a white blanket, his head placed in a orange thing that I couldn't remember the name off. I could see and smell the blood from where I was standing, even with all the police around me

-there was so much blood.

"Sir, we're going to need you too come to the police station for an interview if you will." The police man that stood in front of me said, he was a little taller then me, a nose like a pigs, eyes like a snake.

I shook my head.

"I'm staying with Carl." And with that, I grabbed his mothers hand, sitting in to the ambulance, ignoring the paramedics and police and they jitter-ed around.

4 hours later, I was sitting in the waiting room. Carl had been taken away for a head x-ray to see if there was any long term damage and to stitch him up.

It was all my fault, if only I stayed with Andy and didn't run away, Carl wouldn't have been in this mess.

I couldn't help but pace the room, his mother was as white as snow, probably trying to run everything through her mind.

"Are you Carl's family?"

I stopped pacing, my eyes snapping to the woman as me and his mum both nodded.

"Carl's head injury seems to be fine but we won't know for sure until he wakes up. From the amount of hits he had been given Carl could end up with either long term, or short term memory loss. -"

He wouldn't remember me?

Remember us?

-"He should be waking up quite soon so if you would like to see him, follow me."

Following the woman, we arrived at a room. The hospital smell lingering in my nostrils. As she nodded, we opened the door and what I saw could of crushed me if I didn't remind myself he was alive.

His head covered in bandages, tubes hung from his mouth and arm, his eyes were drowsy as he looked at the doctor. Hearing us enter, Carl looked to us with his eyebrows furrowing.

"Hello, you must be Nye and Carl's mother. I'm Doctor Wilson, Carl's in a stable state and should be able to return home in a few days."

Nodding, I walked up to his bed side and the Doctor talked to Carl who was looking at me.

"Carl?" I asked

"Was...Was anyone else hurt?"

Why did he ask me that?

I looked to the doctor who held a defeated look "Why did he ask me that?"

"You're my doctor aren't you?"

If I thought seeing him could crush me, I was wrong.

He didn't remember me, and that crushed me right down to the core.

Hi people! So, yes I'm back. Shortish Chappy I know. I apologise it took me so long to write this, my mind has been on a spiral since a few weeks ago and unfortunately I've been dealing with depression so I've been given Anti-depressants and sleeping pills so I should be up and running from now on!

Much love! ~Lattie!

Just my kind of Neko. BoyxBoy.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin