Earth's mightiest...What?: ❤🧸⏳ pt.1 (SH x A)

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Context: When John decides that the two of them should take a break from work for a bit,He and Sherlock settle on taking a trip/mini vacation to New York...
Conveniently enough,That's where the Avengers are and live...
So what happens when Johnlock meets them and they find out secret about the other...

Warnings: Swearing,OOC Characters,
Mpreg,Peter is Stephen and Tony's bio son..

(Also..Endgame and IW DIDN'T happen..)

Ships: Johnlock,IronWinter,SamSteve,
Thruce,Clint x Loki,Interwebs,NatHill and MENTIONS of past IronStrange and a surprise ship at or near the end..

~Jawn's POV:

Me and Sherlock are currently at the airport waiting to board our plane..


Because I suggested that we take a break from the detective work and go somewhere,And after finally convincing Sherl' and us contemplating where to go..We both settled on New York with him being a bit hesitant on going there...

"Flight to New York is now boarding...
Head to Gate 3..." The lady on the PA announces,Me and Sherlock stand up from our seats and grab our luggage before heading to our Gate..

Once we get there we show the guy our passport and tickets and he let's through,We board and find our seats and put our carry on luggage away before seating.."So,What did you plan for us to do John?" Sherlock asks me as I sit next to him,"What?I didn't plan anything..." I tell him before he looks at me with a 'Are you sure?' type look..
I sigh and confess: "Fine...I booked a hotel for us to stay in..We'll go there and drop our luggage off then we can go to a Café that I found and maybe get a coffee...Then we can go to park or head back to the hotel if we want..." as he nods along with what I'm saying..

~Lazy time skip to after they arrive~
~Sherlock's POV:

Me and John are currently holding hands as we are walking to the Café he suggested,I look around at the City remembering my past I had here..
'God...It's been so long since I've been in NY..' I think to myself before I feel John let go of my hand and I look seeing we've arrived..

"After you Sherl'..." He tells me as he holds the door open for me,"Thank you John.." I say back to him before walking in and going up to the counter with him following behind..

We order and wait near the pick up counter for our drinks,I look around and stop to look at a specific seat remembering when me and...Someone...
Came here as a date when I lived here..As I'm looking around I hear: "Strange?Is that you?" And turn around to see-..

'Shit...It's Tony..' I think to myself before acting clueless,"I beg your pardon?" I ask nicely hoping he would think he got it wrong,"C'mon Stephen...You think I wouldn't recognize my old boyfriend when I see him?" He asks me making John turn around and intrude,
"I'm sorry...But WHO are you?" He asks getting jealous and protective..
"Oh...I'm sorry..Didn't realize you were here with someone..." He says not so apologetically before someone says: "Tony...Come on...Buck and Sam are waiting.." and look to see: 'Great...Steve is here too..' I think to myself as none other then Steve Rogers walks up to Tony,"Oh...Strange..Is that you?" He asks me making me tense up.."Who are YOU?" John asks getting more protective while being confused..

I sigh before giving in an confessing: "Fine..You caught me...But can me and John atleast get our drinks first..." as I let go of my accent and use my fake one-being American- making John more confused,"Ok...Yeah..You two can get your drink then we'll head to the Tower..." Tony says before going with Steve and waiting outside.."Sherlock?WHO were they?And why did you sound American?" John asks me before my name is called and I go grab my coffee and his tea,"I'll tell you once we get to the Tower...I promise.." I tell him before we head out and get into Tony's limo..

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