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- sitting in his basement

- he decorates is super cute with lights and comfy blankets and pillows for you guys to sit on and play d&d, or other board games

- the night is filled with laughs, kisses, and cuddling

- it's one of your favorite things to do together

- rather then go out to a nice place to eat both of you enjoy just doing things you love in each other's company


- he likes to take you to family video and pick out a movie to watch together

- sometimes it's something you've already seen but love, other times it's a movie that's new to both of you

- dustin likes to go above and beyond in decorating his living room

- so many blankets and snacks and best of all he lets you wear his clothes so you're comfortable


- he likes to take you out somewhere scenic like the beach or a secret park to do some artwork together

- he always brings canvases, paint, and brushes so you never have to remember to bring anything over

- you guys stay out painting and drawing all day together while talking and sharing a few snacks

- you guys always stop to watch the sunset together, and sometimes will takes jonathan's camera to take pictures of you with the sunset in the background


- somehow everything you guys do together correlates to the arcade

- but you don't mind you love it as much as he does

- sometimes he likes to go to the park with you and play basketball and mess around together, then getting something to eat and spending the night in the arcade together

- you wouldn't have it any other way, seeing your boyfriend happy makes you happy


- you know how much she loves to rollerskate but will never go back to the rink again, so you saved up and bought her a pair of her own skates

- you two go out skating around town, stopping to get smoothies and to look at pretty views

- she's gotten so much better thanks to your generosity and always wants to go out and skate with you


- her ideal date night is staying in and listening to music and then going for a night skate

- listening to music and finding new stuff is something you two have adopted as a 'couple thing' and love to do together

- eventually the two of you get tired of having headphones over your ears and go outside for some fresh air

- you two hit the road on your skateboards holding hands all while looking out for any creatures wanting to cross the road..


- he definitely loves a very laidback date night, as long as he's with you he could be doing anything

- sometimes, he likes to take you out to the beach and set up a cute picnic, with pretty flowers, your favorite snacks, and some weed..if you're into that of course

- it's supplied by argyle don't worry!!

- you two spend the afternoon and into the evening laying in each other's arms, talking about anything and everything, and enjoying your high (if you smoked w him)


- he loves to spoil you, gift giving is his love language

- he takes you to enzo's because even though he thinks your beautiful all the time, he loves seeing you dressed up

- he picks you up, and you two enjoy a nice dinner, chatting, holding hands and having steve force you to let him try your food

- you guys go back to his house for a night swim and fall asleep in his bed together, how cute


- he likes to pick you up and drive around listening to music and touching you the whole time

- he stops near an abandoned, empty pool and walk down its steps and lay on the blanket he lays out on the bottom of the pool

- he brings beer for himself and for you if you wanted, and brings his stereo to play his rock tapes while you two sit together talking all night, making out here and there

- it's very simple but it means the world to the two of you: being able to spend a night in each other's company with no distractions and no one else to disturb you


- although eddie doesn't have much money, he tries his best to make your date nights as nice as possible

- he likes to buy you flowers, or sometimes pick them out himself and take you to the nearest record store

- he lets you pick out a vinyl you've been wanting for some time and even though you tell him he can't pay he distracts you so that he can, you're his person.

- you guys spend the rest of the night in his van together near the woods by the tree where you carved your initials, listening to music, cuddling, making out, and altogether enjoying each others company

- he also brought weed incase you wanted some...


- she loves to take you to the movies

- you always let her pick the movie just so you can hear her geek over how good it is

- letting her go on and on about stuff she's so passionate about allows you to see the love in her eyes and her voice

- you two enjoy your night watching a new movie and eating popcorn and candy...and making out

- the night ends at your house when both of you come back to your house staying up and laughing until both of you pass out

comment some more preferences you'd love for me to write!!!

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