chapter 3

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Jungkook pov: after a couple minutes of cuddling the cute mochi I heard an awkward cough from behind me. I turned around just to see the maid coming up towards the desk with the warm liquid in her hands.

Maid; " oh - errr sorry I didn't mean to disturb u sir..... ill - ill just leave". she stuttered her skin tone turning into a light shade of pink.

Jungkook: "no need. Honestly don't worry dear". she nodded relieved she didn't fuck anything up and set the soup on the desk beside the bed and then left leaving the door closed behind her.

I tried to get up and grab the hot bowl but I was quickly held tightly. I looked down to see a crying Jimin he wasn't in little space though. "p-p-please do-don't leave m-me im s-scared". Poor thing thought im leaving him.

I picked the boy up and sat him on the king size bed. I held one hand tightly on his shoulder and the other on his chin forcing him to look into my eyes. "trust me im not going anywhere." I whispered in the softest tone. we both froze our eyes not moving a muscle as we take in the beauty opposite us. Eye-to-eye . I pressed my head against his and I could clearly feel his breath on mine mixing. I wanted to stay like this forever but why? why was I doing this? suddenly the boy snapped out of it and quickly pushed me away. I don't know why but that hurt my heart. What is going on with me?

Jungkook: "I-im sorry." I said slightly embarrassed.

he nodded lightly feeling a bit flustered so  tried too quickly change the subject. "Er-erm I got u soup but it got cold again let me just warm it up quickly.  I took the now cold soup and went out the room leaving the door closed.

Jimin pov: 


did a mafia just try to k-kiss m-me. N-nah that would never happen. I would never let that happen right?......Right! of course I wouldn't because mafias like him k-killed my mother! and m-my father.

I was starting to stress out but why though?

 so much questions filled my head it made me sick. 

after a couple more stressing minutes the man which I forgot the name of came into the huge bedroom.

Jungkook: "I got the soup warmed up so u better eat up before it cools down again".

I could read from his face that he didn't mean to do what he did. he felt really bad so he left the soup by me and started to exit the room. I really want him to stay though. He seems so nice. He somehow makes me feel how do I put it.... different. yeah he makes  me feel different. I don't want to disturb him though I feel like he's busy with something important probably planning mine or others death.

Jungkook pov:

I started to walk towards the bedroom door kind of hoping he will tell me to stay. But why would he though, I scared him of, he hated me now. Well done Jungkook.

I opened the door when

"A- actually d-do you mind staying with? me im kind of scared t- to be on my own."

I felt my face lit up from happiness.I turned around almost instantly and hopping onto the bed grabbing the soup. Jimin giggled lightly making me coo at him and he blushed a deep colour of red. I tried to feed him soup which at first he refused for me to do so but I didn't stop pushing the spoon into his mouth and soon enough he gave up.

Jimin: "by the way what's your name? You told me before but I forgot sorry."

Jungkook:" first of all don't be sorry second of all its Jungkook." I smiled 

Jimin:" Jungkook..... that's a pretty name." he smiled back proceeding to eat the soup I gave him.

Author pov:

it was peaceful for a while. After the maid collected the bowl an the two boys stayed up together until 1 in the morning both knowing more about each other. They noticed that they have lots of things in common for example liking the same books, movies food, colour etc.... they laughed at some jokes and old happy  memories. They also learnt a lot about each other for example that Jimin is 24 and that Jungkook is 2 years younger which means he has to call him hyung. they talked and laughed a bit more when suddenly Jin barged in Cleary pissed.

Jin: " WILL YOU SHUT IT THE BOTH OF YOU. IM TRYING TO GET MY BEAUTY SLEEP AND YOUR RUINING IT. Both of them got silent after that and shared scared glances to each other. After Jin went they both let out a breath they didn't even know they where both holding in.

Jimin: w-who was that

Jungkook: That was Jin he took me into his life when i was just 12. He practically raised me. He is like a brother and mother to me

Jimin: But why didn't your mum take care of you?

Jungkook looked down to his feet. Trying not to seem obvious that he is still hurt with what happened to his parents. Surprisingly Jimin didn't even question a thing probably because the only light in the room guiding them was a little candle  which means they couldn't see each other clearly. Yes a big mansion with lot of money but still use candles as their light source.

"That's another story to tell but at the right time ok."

Jimin nodded agreeing.

Jungkook faked a yawn. "well I don't about you but im sleepy so im gonna go to bed."

"oh ok Good night Jungkook sleep tight."

with that Jungkook left the room and went next door to the guest room as Jimin was in his.

with that Jungkook left the room and went next door to the guest room as Jimin was in his

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yay I finally released a new chapter ( after 3 months).

im so happy that some ideas FINALLY came into my mind i really hope that you enjoyed this chapter and i hope to see you in the next one. Love you minkookies

ANIMAL OF THE DAY ISSSSSSSS............................................................................

A CAPYBARA its all over my fyp on tik tok so  thought that it should just be there so cute isint it

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A CAPYBARA its all over my fyp on tik tok so  thought that it should just be there so cute isint it

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