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My dad approached me, and I squared my shoulders and stood taller to brace myself.
"What have you heard about the prophecy?" He asked harshly, his voice dark. He wasn't even a whole body, just meaningless shapes grouped together into a transparent one. Hey, your family gets kind of odd when your grandma was the kind of girl who gave birth to cyclopes and water nymphs.
I gave the answer he wanted.
"Nothing." After a moment, I added, "I try to stay away from those sharing rumors at school. Not good for your conscience." I tapped my head with my left index finger.

That was the exact opposite of the truth, actually. Since I had a knack for making friends, I had gone around school making friends with anyone who knew gossip from anywhere, gathering intel. I had actually happened to meet a quite interesting boy yesterday, who had agreed to meet me by the creek at 3:00 today...

She had just a few freckles, mostly on her cheeks but some spontaneously deciding to go on her forehead and chin, like they were taking free roam on her face. I liked it.
The freckled girl's dark hair fell around her ears in a way that made them look strangely pointed. I took the moment to observe that her ears were nearly absurdly tall.
The trees fell away and opened to a ravine. She led me down a hidden stone staircase, and what found me there was breathtaking. I instantly dubbed it "secret forest hideaway". It fit how I felt about this place and the girl leading me into it, who had come from it. Breathtakingly beautiful and mysterious, waiting for you to prove your worth and your trust for the forest.

It was a forest hideaway. The treetops were a jungle paradise, and I'd never smelled anything fresher. The place radiated nature and growth. I could hear streams gurgling, and the sun shining through the trees felt warm on my face. It gave this place the warm glow of a perfect summer evening, nevermind the fact that it was fall. And I could somehow just feel the health and vibrancy? Brilliance? Of the earth and nature here. It elated my spirit enough that I couldn't keep the widest grin off my face; any more and I'd be tickled by giddiness. I twirled around in slow circles while looking up at the leaf-filled sky. My mouth was open with wonder. This could...This could become my home, I marveled. I was only brought back to my senses when I realized how far ahead the mysterious girl I didn't even know the name of was ahead of me. I dashed to catch up, and the grass lent me their energy.

 I took another breath and marveled at how the fresh, cool air felt inside my lungs. Humanity didn't get that anymore. We didn't deserve it anymore. These elves- they did. And they had it.

We slowed down and she gestured to a boy fiddling with something in his hands- a fallen leaf. He looked up at us, and she introduced me to him. "This is my brother, Flik." He waved. Something about his grin... 

He had a pointed nose like his sister, though it didn't look as good on him. His pointed ears poked farther out than his sister's. Also, his hair was smokey black instead of dark brown. The sides had been shaved off, but it had been long enough since then that each piece had to be at least an inch long. The rest of his hair was brushed to the side that was not facing me. Though, "brushed" wouldn't be the word I'd use for it. Each piece would eventually stick up in ways that reminded me of a wildfire, and nothing but. 

His eyes weren't as pointed and his eyelashes weren't as thick, but they still didn't make him look soft enough that you could win in a fight. Flik lacked his sister's freckles, but I didn't think they'd look good on him anyway. He had the same long face but there was something different about his grin...It was more predatory, or maybe that was just his features throwing me off, because I could see some friendliness in it too.

"Hey," he said, giving that grin a voice to it. His voice wasn't super deep, but it was definitely deeper than mine. "Name's Flik. As my sister said." I watched his eyes flick (pun unintended) towards the direction we were headed, but they came back so fast I wondered if I imagined it. Just before we passed him, he added, just a tad quieter, "Good luck."

I realized just too late what he was talking about as we took a sharp right... straight into a cave with a faint blue light glowing from within. 

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