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Spoiler alert! This is something I wrote a while ago that I recently found again. It's basically two generations after a book I wrote a while ago, that I had a really big story line for. Eventually, I might put it on Wattpad, but it's gone through so many renovations because I feel like I can't get it just right, and I don't really want to post it until I can. And, I've only made it until the beginning of that book but I know my basic plan for all of it. But I decided to post this little excerpt from the future, of a book I may or may not write! Enjoy!


"There were once two."

"The two most powerful!"

"One was destined for greatness."

"The other was set to destroy the course of the world!"

"And make the corrupt win forever."

"The battle is won, North it's clear!"

"War is ruthless, friendship is harder."

"North and East are all that's left."

"Who will steal a soul of theft? It's gone forevermore!"

"But hardened hearts still restore."

"Now from the past to the present!"

"Three souls must destroy."

"The evil with a common ploy!"

"And a willing decoy."


Chapter 1

"Is that really all the help they're going to give us?!" Zyair asked angrily.

"Looks like it," Camara said. "You know, when you come face-to-face with the Vayley twins they usually don't tell you what you want, it's kind of what they're known for."

"They were supposed to tell us the outcome of the big game! Not some weird story of the past then these like, what, three lines of the present? Or was it future? Or did they just say present and mean future? Nobody knows with these two!"

Camara sighed. "If you were looking for the future, you should have gone to the orb holder."

"We didn't have enough time!" Zyair hissed insistently.

"Alright, we've heard enough of your racket, get out!" said the second twin. The two kids obeyed.

Zyair slammed the door behind them, and one twin remained yelling, at a tone that was very much audible for at least three houses in every direction. But Camara shrugged it off. This was the South. People were supposed to be tougher than the goody-two-shoes North. And we were until he happened, Camara thought.

Camara glanced at the massive faraway wreckage. She was hundreds of miles away, yet it was still clearly visible. There are few people from the South left, Camara thought. I'm one of them. The tower is destroyed and all it's glory wrecked. Wrecked by it's own deceitful and unloyal king. But we were all technically part of the North now. He took away everything from his own kingdom-and I am not having it. He would pay no matter how great a warrior he was. After all, a descendant of Lailia deserves to have her revenge. I smirked. 

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