6. Because Nola

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Thursday: September 2, 2021

{ Luke }

I got to school and walked in alone. Nola texted me this morning and told me she wasn't coming. She hasn't been at school all week and I haven't seen her all week, so I'm worried. I know she got in trouble when we got home from the beach Sunday. I could hear her dad yelling from my house- hell, the whole neighborhood could hear the yelling probably.

I walked up to the normal meeting spot and found all my friends.

"Nola's not here again?" Kacie questioned, very worried about her best friend,

"No. I'm going to check on her later. Usually, her parents and sister don't get home until late on Thursday's" I shrugged,

"Will you let me know if she's okay?" Kacie mumbled,

"Absolutely Kace" I smiled.

Everyone is worried about Nola. We all know that life isn't the best for her, but I'm the only one who knows just how bad it actually is,

"Please let us all know what's going on? We care about Nola just like you do" Michael sighed as the bell rang. I nodded, promising to do so.


I rushed home from school and headed right over to Nola's. The only car in the driveway was her's so I knew she was still the only one home. I walked up on the porch and knocked a few times but got no answer,

"Nola! It's Luke. Can you please open the door?" I begged, knocking again and again. Something is wrong and I know it.

"Please Nola!"

I waited a few seconds then felt my phone buzz in my pocket, making me quickly pull it out,


Nola⭐️: [ I'm fine Luke.]


I sighed and took one last look at her front door before walking back to my house.

I grabbed my backpack out of my truck and headed into the house, being met by my mom quickly,

"What were you doing honey?" she asked,

"Trying to check on Nola" I mumbled, throwing my bag on the steps and heading into the kitchen with Mom following me. As I stepped into the kitchen, I noticed my dad was in there too,

"I've noticed you two haven't been riding to school together. Is everything okay?" Dad questioned,

"I-I don't know. I know she got in trouble with her dad after the beach. She hasn't been to school and I haven't seen her since" I explained,

"Well, don't you guys leave your room windows unlocked? Can you see if it's open?" Dad suggested. I just shook my head in response because I've tried that,

"I'm sorry honey. I'm sure she's okay" Mom patted my back, but I didn't believe her,

"You wanna go throw ball for a bit? Try and relax you some?" Dad asked. I nodded and we both grabbed gloves and headed out back.

We tossed the ball back and forth in silence for a while and every now and then I'd glance up to where Nola's room is,

"Hey bud, did something maybe happen between you two to make her not want to see you?" Dad asked,

"I mean- we almost kissed at the beach but we talked about it and we're all cool. She didn't get like this until after we all got home and she got yelled at" I stressed to him, "I'm scared that her dad did something to her"

"Has he hurt her before?" Dad pressed,

"No" I whispered, "He just yells"

"Just try and keep an eye on things. If you hear yelling and you think something is happening that is worse, come get me and we will go check on them"


After my shower, I headed back into my room. My window was open so I could see across to Nola's. Her blinds were shut but I could still tell that her lights were on.

I decided to try her window one more time. So, I lifted mine and climbed out onto my roof, and made my way onto hers. I tried to lift her window, but it didn't budge. I tried to knock but got nothing in return. I sighed and knelt by the window,

"Nola" I sighed, "Please just come talk to me or let me see you. I'm worried Nols. I just need to know you're okay. I need to see you to know you're okay" I pleaded,

"Go away Luke" Nola called out. It wasn't the response I wanted, but it was a verbal response,

"Okay. I'll go. But, my window is unlocked like always. Please come over if you aren't" I spoke then climbed back to my house and into my room.

I grabbed my backpack and sat at my desk to do some homework. It was going to be hard to focus, but I needed to get it done.

Just as I was finishing up math, I heard my window slide up, making me spin around in my chair to find Nola climbing in with her head down.

"Nola!" I jumped up, rushing over but completely froze when I saw her face, "Oh my god"

The whole right side of her face was bruised to hell and back. She had a cut above her eyebrow that had stitches in it and a very visible hand print on her neck.

"Nola" my heart cracked, "What happened?"

She started to cry, making me pull her into my arms,

"It's okay. It's okay. I got you" I whispered as I brought her to my bed to sit down, "Did your dad do this?"

Nola nodded and my jaw clenched,

"Nola, we have to tell-"

"NO! I told you Luke that I don't want anyone involved in my family shit! You promised not to do anything!" she yelled at me,

"That was before I knew he was physically hurting you!" I raised my voice, "Nola, you are going to get seriously hurt"

"Good. Maybe it will kill me and I don't have to put up with it" she spit,

"He hadn't been hitting you. What changed?" I asked,

"He's started drinking" she whispered, "But it's okay. He's not hurting my mom or sister"

"But he's hurting you" I retorted,

"That's okay. As long as he doesn't touch my sister"

I sighed and took a breath, closing my eyes for a moment,

"I'll leave it for now, but if I find out, see him, or hear that he's hurt you more- I'm not going to just sit here. I'm telling someone"

"Why do you care so much?" Nola rolled her eyes,

"Because I do!"


"Because Nola, I love you and I can't sit here and watch you get hurt"

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