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What do you call it when all you feel is pain?

When you look in the mirror and start crying in shame?

You walk the streets hoping no one would notice

The scars on your wrists that show that you are broken

You pull your sleeves down concealing them more

Secretly wishing someone would notice

And tell you that it will all be okay

You wish that someone would notice the tears in your eyes

And every time you lie that you're okay

Or your fake smile so desperate to break

That tonight blood will show on your skin

Maybe even that one day you will take your own life

But you realise you're all alone

No one is there to save you now

Like no one has ever been there

You're just relapsing again

Tearing rushing down your face

So you close your eyes

Say your last prayer

And leave this world

For the last time

My Random Dark PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now