Character profile

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Personal info

Name: Vivi Kiyo

Age: 18 (physical age)

Race: Human-Demon hybrid

Gender: Female

Hairstyle: Shoulder-length wavy white hair

Eye color: Blue

Affiliation: Demon Slayer Corps (Unofficially)

Rank: N/A

Status: Alive

Outfit: Black high-collared coat with three separate coattails, dark green pants, and brown boots.

Personality: A cold, calculating and level-headed person. Even in tense situations, she is able to remain calm. But don't let the cold appearance deter you from talking to her; Despite being an isolated person, she still cares for those she holds dear and is unexpectedly polite.

Background: Not much is known about her. Her origins and motivation are all a mystery...

Primary weapon

Sword Ore: ???

Description: Vivi's katana doesn't seem to come from this world, proven by its ability to literally cut through dimensions as well as cut things regardless of their size and distance. It is powerful enough to kill demons without the need to decapitate them.

Sword appearance: A plain silver blade with a black-and-gold octagonal handguard, white hilt wrapping, and a black scabbard.

Sword Name: Yamato (大和)

Other Weapons

Mirage Edge: A ghostly double-edged shortsword with a W-shaped handguard. Vivi can summon and de-summon it at will. When swung, it leaves behind a blue trail.

Special powers

Mirage Blades/Summoned Swords: Vivi can summon ghostly blue daggers out of thin air, usually appearing above either of her shoulders, although she can also summon them at an enemy's location.

Trick: Vivi can teleport in any direction. This can be used to close the distance between an opponent, or to quickly dodge an attack at the last moment. However, there is a limit to how far Vivi can teleport.

Other abilities

Iaijutsu Master: Vivi is extremely skilled in iaijutsu, able to draw her sword with blinding speed. She uses this in conjunction with Yamato's space-cutting properties to perform her signature move.

Sound Mind: Vivi is able to remain calm even in tense situations where most others would panic. This allows her to have the edge over her opponents as she can think more clearly and properly devise a strategy to beat her foe.

Inhuman stamina: Vivi's stamina is far greater compared to any human, and even lesser demons. She's able to run almost endlessly and will almost always outlast her opponent in a fight. However, it is not infinite.

Stat scores

Strength: SS+

Agility: SS

Speed: SS+

Sympathy: A-

Courtesy: S

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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