Chapter 1: The Boy, The Vampire, and the Magic Wand

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Sand. It's coarse. It's rough. It's irritating. And it gets everywhere, especially in the eyes. but what makes them different from the sands in my home country is that the texture of the sand is bleached white.

As I felt myself shaking and try to calm myself by using breathing techniques, why am I here? Where is this place?

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As I felt myself shaking and try to calm myself by using breathing techniques, why am I here? Where is this place?

"Where the FUCK am I!?" As I recall the last thing I remember before being stranded here



I like to think that I lived a good life. There are ups and downs but it's a good life nonetheless.

I just came back from college, and relief that I managed to submit all my assignments on time and get to have my well-deserved early semester break. Feeling proud of myself, I decided to celebrate this by having a box of pizza all by myself in my lonesome apartment.

Just as I head to my room and get some shut-eye, I hear a loud sound that I only can associate with-

"A missile"...I muttered as I head to the window and I watched with dread and horror as I saw a missile heading at the area of my vicinity!

"I still haven't got Barghest yet!!!" I scream my last words in defiance as a blinding light suddenly engulfed me and darkness came soon after

Flashback end


"What a troublesome way to die..." I mutter as I grimace, still reeling at the recollection. Though all things considered, I'm not exactly that bothered about my death.

What I'm bothered about is After my death. Distant as I am to my family, I still care about them, and I wouldn't want anything bad happen to them. And only God knows what I would do if something happen to them.

Are they all right? Are they safe?

Sighing, I cast aside those worrying thoughts and only hope for the best and pray to God that they would be safe and sound.

Standing up, I looked around in dismay at the current situation I find myself in. The landscape looks somewhat familiar, but I couldn't be sure just yet. I'm sure there are places just like this and civilizations near as well. Though, considering all I can see is sand, I don't think I'm going to find one soon.

"How troublesome."

"Indeed." an unknown male voice out his agreement from behind me.

Yelping in fright, I turn around to find an old man in a black suit with silver trimmings. My eyes widen as I realize who is the man in front of me. This is someone that is not supposed to exist in the real world. This is a man who is so well-known amongst the Fate community. This is a man who defeated the King of the Vampires, Brunestud of the Crimson Moon.

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