Steve Rogers: I'm sorry

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Earlier today Y/n and all of the other Avengers went on a mission. They were supposed to be taking some classified files back from HYDRA that they'd previously stolen.

Everyone had their assignments and stuck to them...until Y/n didn't. She knew what she was supposed to be doing but she made the dumb decision to leave her place and go fight where she wasn't meant to.

She managed to make it out alive and grab the files, but she only made it by a hair. She didn't think it was that big a deal. She was still alive and the mission was accomplished.

But Steve on the other hand, oh he was mad. He couldn't believe she went against his orders and almost got herself killed in the process.

"Steve I'm fine!"

"That's not the point Y/n!" He yelled. Steve never yelled at her, so she knew he was upset. She backed away from him slightly, not liking the proximity in which he was standing while raising his voice so loudly.

"The point is that you deliberately disobeyed my orders for you to stay out and guard the door!"

"Ok well what does it matter? I got the file and I killed all the guards!"


Y/n broke eye contact and looked down at her feet. She knew she was technically in the wrong but having Steve yell at her like this made it ten times worse.

"And what would you have expected me to do if that happened?"

She didn't respond, not knowing if the question was rhetorical or not.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you Y/n." He said in a low voice. He was visibly angry. If they weren't in these particular circumstances, y/n definitely wouldn't deny that he was extremely attractive when he was angry. But now isn't exactly the time.

She looked up at him innocently, in hopes of getting him to stop being so angry.

"When I give you orders, as the leader of this team, I expect you to follow them. Regardless of you getting the file and making it out alive, It wasn't your job or your place, and on top of that you almost got yourself killed."

"Yeah, whatever." She mumbled.

"Excuse me?"

"I just think you're being dramatic and overprotective like you always are."

"What is that supposed to mean?" He asked, slightly offended.

"It means that you always make the biggest deal out of little things. And you're so overprotective of everything that I do! Like tonight. I get that I was wrong for it or whatever, but I wasn't on the brink of death, Steve! I barely even came out with a scratch! I just think you really need to chill out." She shrugged.

"Oh I just need to 'chill out' that's all? So I'm not supposed to worry about the well-being of my wife? Or care about whether she's alive or not? Got it."

He said before walking to the kitchen.

"No Steve that's not-"

"No no it's alright."


But he just ignored her and continued to search for something to eat.

Y/n sighed and went back upstairs to their shared bedroom to take a shower, then laid in bed and stared at the ceiling.

Steve walked in a few minutes later and she sat up. But he didn't say a word to her. He just grabbed his pajama pants and went into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

Y/n sighed and laid back down with defeat. She hated when he was upset with her. He almost never was, but on the rare occasion that it happened, it was the worst.

The bathroom door opened but Steve was still in there. He must've been letting some of the steam out from his shower.

Y/n took this moment to try and make amends with her husband.

She got out of bed and headed to the bathroom where Steve was doing his nightly skin care routine. Something that Y/n had initially forced him into, but it was now something he actually enjoyed.

She stepped in hesitantly and saw him glance at her in the mirror. She wrapped her arms around him from behind, resting her head on his bare back. She felt him relax under her touch, meaning he must've been quite tense beforehand.

"I'm sorry." She whispered before placing a gentle kiss to his back.

"I shouldn't have disregarded your orders. I wasn't thinking, I just saw an opening and took it. But I shouldn't have done it."

She looked at him in the mirror to try and read his expression, but he just looked sad. It took him a moment before he spoke, but when he finally did he asked,

"Do you really think I'm too overprotective? Like does it bother you?"

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows at his question. He must've genuinely taken offense to her previous statement. She didn't mean for it to sound like that, she was just upset about the whole mission thing even though she knew she was wrong.

"No I don't think you're too overprotective, I just said that. I mean you can be but it doesn't really bother me."

"I just...I just want you to understand that I am protective of you because I love you. I love you so, so much. I mean the thought of something bad happening to you is enough to keep me up at night. I just want to make sure you're safe at all times. And sometimes yeh I guess I can go a little overboard, but it's because I care so much about you."

"I know, I love you too. And I know you you care about me and that's why you're protective. That's why I said it doesn't really bother me, I know you have the right intentions. Sometimes I just get a little carried away and reckless, like today. So I'm sorry."

Steve turned around to face her.

"I accept your apology. Just please listen next time."

"I will. I promise." She smiled.

"Good." He kissed the top of her head, pulling her into a hug. "I love you." He spoke before placing a kiss to her lips.

"I love you too." She replied, kissing him again.

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