Chapter Two

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Skyla's point of view

I woke up in Lilly's old bedroom, I had spent the night trying to convince myself that it was only a dream, and I was going to make up in my own bed in my own room, but sadly, that wasn't the case.

I got up and walked over to the closet in the corner of the room, looking through all of the clothes that were in there. They were clearly Lilly's old clothes, they certainly weren't mine, and definitely weren't clothes I would normally wear but needs must. I settled on a Nirvana t-shirt and some black jeans.

Clearly there was still a lot of the sedative in my system when it kicked in the second time because it was currently twelve in the afternoon. I never normally sleep this late. Ten was the latest I would ever normally sleep in till.

Must to my surprise the bedroom door wasn't locked, unlike the last time. I left the room, and faintly heard arguing coming from downstairs. I snuck down the stairs as quietly as I could until I got close enough to make out what they were saying.

"What do you mean you handed it over?" I heard Luke shout.

"I mean I handed everything over! I'm no longer in charge of any of this!" Lilly shouted; I was starting to wonder if they were arguing about me.

"You're in charge you can't just hand shit over to someone else" Michael pointed out.

"Yes, I am fully aware of that thank you very much! But I don't think her staying here is going to be a good idea, you're all too soft to deal with what might need to be done"

"Why don't you do it then?"

"Because I'm not taking care of everything myself! Why do you care so much about whether or not she stays with us! She hopefully wouldn't be with us long anyway, it's not like she was going to be with us forever. I'm just getting rid of her sooner. This isn't up for debate! She is going tomorrow and that's final!"

"But why them Lilly?! You could have picked anyone else! Why did you choose them?"

"Because like Michael so kindly pointed out, I'm the one in charge and I chose them. It doesn't seem like he's going to give us the money any time soon and you know what has to be done if he doesn't"

"But they're likely to do it even if he gives us the money!"

"That's not my problem"

"Do what?" I asked, going into the living room. I had given up listening, I wanted to know exactly what it was they were talking about. I figured since it was to do with me, I had a right to know.

"You don't need to be concerned with that right now. You'll find out if we don't get our money" Lilly smirked.

"Don't I have a right to know what'll happen to me if they don't give you the money?"

"See" Lilly said, taking a couple of steps closer to me. "That isn't how this little arrangement of ours works! We're in charge, not you. What we say goes. You don't have a right to know shit! Do you understand me?"

"Yes" I mumbled, looking down at the ground.

"Lilly leave her alone, she's probably scared. You don't need to be such a bitch to her!" Calum said, pulling Lilly away from me.

"You want to tell her and scare her more then go ahead"

"She doesn't need to know because it isn't going to happen. Skyla, I promised you nothing was going to happen to you, and it won't" Luke said, but even he didn't seem to believe what he was saying.

"You can't promise that" Lilly shouted, leaving the room.

"I can, don't listen to her. As long as I'm around no one can hurt you"

"Are you hungry?" Calum said, trying to change the subject.

"I could eat" I said, giving him a weak smile.

"I think we still have some pancakes left over from breakfast if you want some?" I nodded and followed him into the kitchen. "Here" he said, putting a plate down in front of me.

"Thanks" I mumbled, playing with my food.

"Look Skyla, you don't need to be scared. We're trying to fight the transfer, hopefully Michael will be able to convince her not to move you. And genuinely no one is going to hurt you; Lilly just likes to scare people and unfortunately, you're her latest victim"

"I don't understand what's going on"

"I know you don't and if I was in your position I wouldn't either, and hopefully you're going to be able to go home soon and this will all be over with"

"What's going to happen to me if you don't get your money?"

I wasn't sure whether I actually wanted to know what was going to happen to me if they didn't get their money. I had a few ideas and all of them scared the hell out of me.

"I'm not entirely sure on logistics, but I doubt anything is actually going to happen, it's probably just a fear tactic to try and get them to give us the money, we have to say you're in some kind of danger in order to try and convince them to actually give us the money"

"So, nothing's actually going to happen to me?"

"No! We aren't like that. People think we are, but we aren't. Yes, we've made some bad choices, but we've never intentionally hurt someone like that"

When I had finished my breakfast, well, more lunch, I went back into the living room to where they all were, the guys were sat on the couch, either watching tv or on their phones and Lilly was sat at the table, a few folders and loose bits of paper spread out on the table and a laptop in front of her.

"What's up with her?" I asked quietly, sitting down on the couch next to Luke, he was the only one that didn't really scare you as much as the others did.

"She's doing work" Michael said, not looking up from his phone.

"We've got something we need to do later, but we can't take you with us so you're going to have to stay here" Ashton said.


Yes, I'm scared of them, but I'm also scared of being alone in their house. What if something happened and they blame me for it. Luke and Calum may not hurt me but, I'm still unsure on the others. Ashton hadn't spoken to me yet and Michael gave off a vibe that made me uneasy, there was something about him that scared me, more than the others. And Lilly would blame me for whatever it was, and I don't trust that she wouldn't actually do something to me.

"You won't be completely alone, Lilly's staying home with you" Michael said.

Oh, great. Because that's so much better than being alone. I would rather be left alone with Michael then with her.

"What? No, I'm not!" she said, looking up from the computer.

"Yeah, you are, I don't want you involved in this"

"Michael I am a grown woman, not a child! You cannot tell me what I can and cannot do!"

"You might not be a child, but I wouldn't exactly call you a grown woman! And besides, you can't go outside right now anyway" Luke pointed out.

"That's why we're doing it later, when it gets dark"

"That's what you think" Michael mumbled.

"Would you two shut up! Neither of you have the right to tell me what I can and can't do. Yes, you're my brother and my boyfriend but that doesn't give either of you the right to tell me what I can and can't do. I'm in charge here not you!"

Luke looked at me and playfully rolled his eyes. She does have a point. Just because they're her brother and her boyfriend it doesn't mean they can tell her what she can and can't do. I'd get angry at my brother and boyfriend too if they tried telling me what to do. Not that I currently have a boyfriend, but I do have a brother who tries to tell me what to do all the time, just because he's a couple of years older. 

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