Chapter 1 Found

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Isabella walked along the trail shivering as the heavy snow fell all around her. She knew she was underdressed the moment they arrived at the Rainier park. If he would've given her any clue to where they're going, she would've thought to dress warmer. It was so like him to suggest going hiking and mountain climbing in October, when the weather is not yet too cold, but no longer allowing light jackets and skinny jeans. She was such a fool for agreeing to go on a hike. Her mind was focused on a restaurant she saw advertised in the Seattle Times that got a good review, but when he pulled up to the park, her resolve dropped. She shaked her head, trying to remove the thoughts from her head. Her usually luscious brown curls were now wet and stuck to her head like icicles. She wasnt of a too small build, but she was shivering like a leaf in the wind and kept stumbling when the wind would blow just slightly, causing her to inadvertently land on her bad foot. Her stomach was now growling loudly, making her think of that restaurant and causing her to get angry at Jack all over again. That's it! as soon as she got out of here, she would tell him exactly what she thinks of him leaving her there all by herself to freeze.

She wrapped her arms around herself trying to keep warm. The wind blew softly and her lips felt blue from being out in the cold too long. All of a sudden She saw what looked like a cabin about 100 yards away and couldn't believe her good luck. She tried speeding her walk to try to call for help. The trail was small and filled with potholes and rocks, now being covered by heavy, cold snow that made the trail slippery, causing her to stumble. As she fell to the ground, she felt dizzy and then everything went black.


Isabella woke up to the sound of her doorbell ringing. Looking at her clock on the nightstand, she saw it was only 5 AM. Groaning, she sat up slipping on her slippers that were next to her bed. Getting up, she grabbed a robe opening the door. Her boyfriend Jack walked right past her into the apartment "good morning to you too" she said crossing her arms looking at him.

"So sorry sweetheart" he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer, laying his head gently on her shoulder while rubbing small circles on her hip.

"What are you doing here Jack?" she whispered, suspicious, pulling away and facing him.

"I know you have been having a hard time about your grandmother passing away and everything" he started. Nodding, she let him continue "but with the money she left you, we can start our own business".

"But- "he cut her off before she could get a word in, grabbing both of her hands tightly.

"We can start a construction company and make millions of dollars off it!" he let go of her, throwing his arms up in the air.

"Jack, you know that I want to be a writer and to build a small cabin in the mountains somewhere" she said, glancing at her desk in her studio apartment where her laptop has been left open to a document she was working on.

"I know, but think about our future!" he smiled, wrapping his arms around her and squeezing her gently. "Now go get ready. I want to take you somewhere special" he smiled, making her grin happily for the first time since he came over. She was glad that he was finally going to take her out somewhere after not seeing each other for nearly two weeks.

Isabella rushed to her room changing into a pair of leggings and a sports jacket and putting on her hiking boots. Brushing her hair and applying quick makeup, she walked into the living room. Jack smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist and both walked out to his car.

She was walking along the trail, deep in the mountains rushing ahead of Jack. A beautiful waterfall and pond surrounded by trees adorned her path and the whole way all she could do was gasp at its beauty. Behind her, Jack pointed to the opening of the trees towards the end of the cliff, at the same time admiring the beauty around them. "Look how beautiful the view is" he put his arm on Isabella's shoulder pulling her closer to the edge of the cliff to see the sunset better. The colors were gorgeous with orange, pink, and yellow hues adorning the sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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