A Confession From A Tsundere

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A/n this is the first book of a series of, what I'm calling, "Threeshots". Each book will follow one of the "Dere" archetypes, three chapters with a lemon at the end of course. Though these stories are part of a series, they are not canon to each other, meaning this isn't a harem series. enough talk though, onto the first chapter.

People can be complicated, ironically that's the simplest thing to say about them. Everyone has their quirks, there's always a gimmick. Some people are kind, others are cruel, some are quiet, others are bombastic. Some can be carefree and warm to others, others can be serious and cold. It's just the matter of life that people are complicated, it takes time to figure out the kind of person someone is.

That being said; even after knowing her for a couple years now, you still couldn't fully understand Aya. You were friends, fairly close friends and so by definition you did get along. But then there were the times her attitude towards you would shift as one second she shows a tolerance for your presence and the next she seems to develop an utter disdain for the idea of even being in your vicinity. Or at least that's how she seems to want it to come across; she could never truly push you away, that was one of her quirks - a quirk which you actually found to be cute.

As previously stated; you and Aya have been friends for a couple years, as far as the word friends can go at least, having first met when you started at the same college. She seemed to be quiet at first, unassuming as she kept to herself, but then you started to interact after being assigned as partners for a project. It was then that you learned she really was a character as she was very hostile at first, but soon enough she softened her tone enough that you invited her to hang around with you and your friends. She still showed hostility but this was the time her "tolerance" of your presence started to kick in.

This was also around the same time that you learned that Aya had a very tomboyish temperament; at school she was cold to almost everyone (of course including you) unless she was with the friends she made, which also included you, where she could be loud and have a fun time. She truly was a character and, in spite of her gimmicky behaviour towards you, you really enjoyed being around her. And, though she has denied it before, she enjoys being around you.

Because of this mutual enjoyment of each other's company, it didn't raise any questions when Aya asked to meet up after classes finished for the day. Even when she said for it to be just you; you raised no question as her quirky behaviour of either hating your very existence or enjoying it was a back and forth switch you were accustomed to.

But then you met up with Aya, and here you noticed something seemed off - she seemed rather nervous and that wasn't something you saw often. Still, it wasn't enough to raise too many questions, maybe she just forgot about an upcoming test and needed to demand your help with a quick study session. That was just about all Aya ever showed uncertainty for around you so you prepared yourself for the demand for help...but it never came.

"Oh, y-you're here, uh, I mean, about damn time, idiot! What took you?" Aya addressed you, her harshness appearing more forced this time around as you greeted her in return. "Yeah, sorry for taking so long, had an assignment to hand in" you explained your tardiness, expecting to see Aya roll her eyes and scoff as she made some comment now you still took too long.

But she just accepted it, saying whatever as far as her remarks went. Then you noticed more nervousness on her face, a slight pigment and hue of pink specks in her cheeks as she looked away. Something really did seem off and concern did start to become prominent in your thoughts so you asked Aya if she was alright, an innocent enough question but it made her jump a little as she quickly answered that she was fine. Her voice raised in pitch slightly as she said this, she usually spoke in a lower voice but this time it sounded squeaky - it was cute.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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