sleepover date

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3rd person pov

"Hey marbles can you stay for the night?"
Anne said." Yes of course!" Marcy said laying her head on Anne's chest. That made Anne's face turn a bright pink.anne then starts playing with Marcy's hair." Your hair is so soft mar-mar." Anne said then kissed Marcy's head. Marcy blushed and turned to look at Anne. "Anne we should watch a movie!" Marcy said. "Yea what would you like to watch?" Anne said." I don't know." The raven haired girl said." How about a scary movie?" The Brunette said. "S-sure.." Marcy said in a nervous tone . "Are you okay marbles?"the Brunette said in a worried tone . "Yea I'm okay let's just watch the movie!"

A few minutes go by, then there was a sudden jump scare. Marcy then jumped a bit before covering her face in Anne's chest. "Anne smiled ." I guess you don't like scary movies ." Anne said with a small giggle as she turned off the movie . "We should probably go to sleep. Marcy said as she got up to the Brunette's bed laying down on one side. "Can I sleep with you?" Marcy said. "Of course you can sweetheart." Anne said laying down next to Marcy. Marcy turned red. Marcy and Anne stayed cuddling all night as they both fell asleep . 

Skip to the morning

Marcy woke up and saw that Anne and her were hugging. She blushed a little. Anne, honey wake up." Marcy said in a soft voice. Anne woke up. "Morning marbles." Anne said while sitting on Marcy's lap. Anne didn't know what she was doing. She then went closer to Marcy's face about to kiss her . Marcy then pulled back before Anne can kiss her."We need to brush our teeth first." Anne pouted but agreed. They two girls then brushed there teeth and changed.

When they two girls were done Anne leaned forward and she softly kissed Marcy. As Marcy kissed back Ms.Boonchuy opened the door."hey girls foods re-." Ms. Boonchuy then saw the two girls. "Sorry I interrupted. Foods ready though." She said as she walked out of Anne's room and closes the door. Marcy pulled away turning red. "L-let's go
Downstairs. Marcy said.


           To be continued

A/N: sorry I didn't post yesterday I was busy I'll try to post a nother chapter since this one Is a little short . Anyways stay safe out there love you all!💕

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