The Vanishing Glass

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"There's no such thing as magic!"

2 years have passed now. Y/n and Harry were 10 years old. They both have become bestfriends and where always helping each other.

Y/N's view

Me and Harry were sleeping peacefully in our bed that we both had to share. The bed was actually REALLY small and we hardly slept together on it.

"GET UP! NOW!!!" was the first noise I heard that morning. It was Petunia, Harry's aunt.

"I SAID UP!" She repeated.

I turned around to see Harry who still had his eyes closed.

"ARE YOU UP NOW?!" She yelled again.

"Yeahhh" I exclaimed tiredly.

"Then come out! I want you to look after the bacon. And don't let it burn or I'll punish you! Everything needs to be perfect on my Duddys birthday!" she commanded.

I got up and opened the door. Harry had just opened his eyes while I was on my way to the kitchen.

"Ugh it's Dudley's birthday, how could I forget?" I asked myself while watching the bacon cook.

After 5 minutes Harry finally came to the kitchen, struggling to come over to me bacause of all the presents laying on the floor.

"I bet he got 40 presents." Harry told me.

After 2 minutes the bacon was ready and Harry helped me to put it on the table. Dudley, meanwhile was looking at the presents.

"How many are there?!" Dudley asked his father.

"36, counted them myself" His father replied.

"Oh no, this isn't going to end up good.." I whispered over to Harry.

Harry just nodded and started eating his bacon before Dudley could explode.

"36?! But last year, last year I had 37!" Dudley screamed.

"Yes, well some of them are quite bigger than last year." his father tried to calm him down.

"There we are.." I whispered over to Harry again while eating my food as fast as possible.

"I don't care how big they are!" Dudley yelled again.

"No, no this is what we're going to do, is that when we go out, we are going to buy you 2 new presents. How's that popkin?" Petunia explained.

"That's ridiculous, I haven't got any presents since 2 years, well except for Dudley's old books that he had never actually even touched, and this boy is yelling around because he got just 36 presents." I thought annoyed.

Dudley thought for like 2 hours till he finally said something.

"So then I'll have... thirty.. thirty."

"THIS BOY IS STUPID!!!" I thought completely annoyed.

"38, sweetums" Petunia corrected him.

"Oh, alright then." Dudley said calmly.

"We're still alive" Harry whispered over to me.

"Yep, thankfully" I whispered back with a chuckle.

At that moment the telephone rang and and Petunia went to awnser it.

~5 minutes later~

Harry and I already were done with eating. I was washing the dishes while Harry was watching Dudley opening up his presents.

The Lost Riddle Year 1(Draco X Y/N Riddle) Where stories live. Discover now