12. Story - Birthday in Seoul - Ilhoon feat. BtoB

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This one goes out to my bestie Kay @photographybook whose birthday is today! Well since I'm in Seoul posting this at midnight it's her birthday here. I wish you the happiest of birthdays and wish we could party together! Alas the ocean and a bunch of land separates us from each other :'( Keep being awesome and write more amazing stuff!! FIGHTING!!!

P.S. I added a very special image for the special occasion :)

You still can't believe this is happening! You went to visit your friend Jay, who is studying in Seoul right now, and she got you tickets to a BtoB concert for your birthday. But that wasn't even the best thing; she had somehow managed to get her hands on VIP tickets which allowed you to meet the members after the show!

As you wait in line, you and your friend rant on happily about BtoB. You're especially excited to see Minhyuk and Jay can't wait to meet Hyunsik. Then it's finally time for the concert to start. Once they start singing, you end up screaming as loudly as all the other fan girls. The show they put on is amazing. Their singing and dancing is perfect and the lighting and special effects make it even better. You hear all your favorite songs and at the end they even present a new single, which means that you're one of the first people to hear it.

When the concert is over, you rush to the area where the staff will pick you up and bring you to meet BtoB. You start bouncing up and down with excitement. You're still buzzing from the performance you saw and with anticipation for what was yet to come. "Calm down Kay you monkey or they'll call the animal control to pick you up," Jay laughs and you realize she's right. Breathing in and out, you try to relax. How could Jay be so calm when you were about to meet BtoB?

"Jay and Kay?" a voice behind you asks, and you turn to see a Korean person with a clip board in his hand. "That's us!" Jay says. "Great, if you'll follow me, BtoB is ready to meet you," he says and starts walking down a hallway. "Excuse me?" Jay asks, "Aren't there supposed to be other people here to meet them?" The man scratches his head then replies, "There were four others, but believe it or not, they all cancelled. You'll have BtoB all to yourselves. Consider yourselves lucky!" he adds and winks at you and Jay.

The man finally stops in front of a door and puts his hand on the door knob. "Are you girls ready?" he asks. You look at Jay and you nod at each other. "Alright, have fun!" He opens the door and pushes you two in. And suddenly you find yourself in front of seven handsome guys. "Hey you two, nice to meet you," Peniel says and reaches out to shake your hands. "What are your names?" You and Jay introduce yourselves and the members laugh at the similarity of your names.

Then one by one, they come up to shake your hands as well. You feel like you're about to faint, because Minhyuk is about to be in front of you, but before it's his turn Ilhoon reaches out to shake your hand. "Hey, I'm Ilhoon," he says and your eyes meet as his hand envelops yours. Something about those brown eyes snags your attention and for some reason you can't look away. When he suddenly winks at you, you feel yourself blushing and he chuckles at your reaction.

Finally Ilhoon is bumped out of the way, as Minhyuk takes his place, but for some reason you're not as excited about meeting him anymore. When Minhyuk passes, your eyes look for Ilhoon. When you spot him, he flashes you a cheeky grin.

Hanging out with BtoB is cooler than you could've ever imagined. They are all very nice, cool and relaxed. When Jay tells them that today is your birthday, they all sing for you and you could've died from excitement. This is clearly the best birthday ever. It gets even better though, when they order chicken and beer. They don't seem to be in a rush to get rid of you.

While you're eating, you see Jay talking to Hyunsik and chuckle to yourself. You're happy your friend got to meet her idol. "What are you laughing at?" a voice asks from behind you and suddenly Ilhoon plops down on the couch next to you. The two of you talk for a while and you find yourself entranced by his humor, friendliness and open-mindedness. And the longer you look at him, the cuter you think he is. He has the brightest smile which lights up his eyes. When you tell him you're from Scotland, he tries to imitate your accent and fails miserably, evoking a fit of giggles on your part.

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