New People....

210 14 37

Komos pov~

"Kusaaaaaaa~" I call coming down that hall of our shared apartment to my cosion who is stil.asleep. 

"KIYO GET YOUR ASS UP-" I open the door expecting to see a sleeping germaphobe but instead see him up "oh.... when did you wake up?" I asked, how did I not hear him getting up?

"What do you want?" He looks at me annoyed grabbing his bag, fully dressed sliping on his shoes and mask, ready to leave

"I thought you weren't awake yet, well get ready to leave we need to get a tour from the student council president, he said that it would help with understanding everything!" I say cheerfully

I here him growing annoyance as he pushes past me and walks down the hall

"Hurry up or im going to leave you behind." He says leaving the apartment door

"Jezz someone's upset" I say under my breatg and slip on my shoes hurrying to lock the door behind me and jog to catch up with him

When we entered the school we head over to that front of the office and grab a map. I ask the front desk lady about the said 'student council president' and she said he will be here shortly. Soon I see a  nice man, seemingly older than me and Kiyo walk up to us. He had short cut, white hair with black/gray tips that lay flat on his forehead along with a metal name tag pined onto his shirt, it had 'K. Shinsuke' engraved onto it. He had glasses and was holding some papers.

"Hello, you must be Komori And Sakusa, correct?" He extends his hand out. I pull mine out and meet his with mine. we shake hands, firm but gently.

"Uh, yes, and who are you?" I tell him pulling our hands away from each others

"Ah, I am Kita Shinsuke, it's a pleasure to meet you. I run the student council along with some financial issues throughout the school. Now with that aside will you follow me to begin the tour." He gives a warm smile, I mirror it as we continue.


It's nearing the end of this tour, Kiyo was just trailing behind us not asking anything. And this Kita guy seems pretty chill. The tour was about only 20 minutes meaning that school is about to start in a little bit, he gave us a map and some files along with some notebooks and papers. It was really generous of him other than the fact that Kiyo didn't take any of it, he insisted that he already had some I obviously knew that he lied and just didn't want to touch the germs, so I'd have to share with him. Luckily me and him have a few classes together, before I leave I hear a faint screaming from across the hall, we had made our way pretty far into the school so, I couldn't quite make out with the screaming was until I saw somebody with milky brown hair. He was pretty tall and had a soft face to him. Then I heard him yell


he ran straight into Kitas arms almost toppling the two over. He was fake crying to kita's Arms saying that he lost this 'pumpkin' thing and asking Kita to forgive him and spare his life.

"Oikawa, class is going to start soon, did you check the bathrooms?" He replied holding the person in his harms petting his hair as he fake cried into Kitas shoulder

"Iwas gunna kill meeeeeeeeeeeee" he said

I was so confused at this point. The I see another man walking over to us he was holding two bags with the name tag on his chest framing the name 'I. Hajime'.. he came up to us saying sorry and grabbed this oikawa kid by the back color of his shirt pulling him aways from Kita.

"Sorry, we couldn't find Pumpkin anywhere around the school and us three normally have first . Together so he was freaking out about him not being there." Hajime finished as he handed oikawa his bag and pined his name tag to his shirt. Oikawas had 'O. Tōru' written on his name tag.

They talk abit more and the duo left paying no attention to the new people right infront of there faces

I feel sakusa Lean over me and whisper something in my ear

"Why is evryone here so flamboyant?" He whispered

"I don't know but that just means you'll fit in more" I answerd back knowing that kiyoomi will probably punch me for that later. I can see annoyance written all over his face. I let out a small giggle

"So, i have your name tags right here if you would please put it on. We're not strict about what you wear but you have to have your name tag on the left side of your chest at all times. You are now free to go" he hands us our name tags and turns around walking away to his class.

"Oooo, can I see your name tag!!" I look over to see my cuz holding his name tag wiping it down with a wipe

"Wow, yours is so pretty~" his had the engravings 'S.Kiyoomi' and mine had 'K.Motoya' we pin ours in there respective spots and head to fist period.

Kusas pov~

"Hey that oikawa guys is kinda annoying..." I say

"Yah kinda, he loads too" he replied

The bell just ring and I was wondering if thet guy ever found the thing he was looking for. Oh, wait didn't they refer to pumpkin as a 'he'? So it's a boy.... who tf names there kid Pumpkin?! Oh, maybe it's a nick name

"Hey komori who do you think that pumkin guy is?"
"Sense when did you associate yourself with others kiyo?"
"Sense now"
"Wow ok, and i dont know. He seems important tho" that's was the last thing he said before we open the door. Although i thought until I saw a guy with messy blond hair run infront of us into the class room. I only caught a glimpse of his but he seemed to be panicked. He pulled open the door with his free hand trying not to drop the books he was holding.

We followed him into the class room and found our seats in the lecture hall. Once i get settled by wiping everything down and getting my stuff out I look over to see a group surrounding the poor blond. Now that I see him more clear he's more of a shy boy Lolita type.

What's his name.... then i see the guy from before, I think his name was oikawa, run up and hug the blond making him drop his things, he was talking to his and suffocating his with hugs. The Burnett lifted the boy up and..?
Lightly taped the boys cheek with a kiss?


what? Wait l- did that just happen? I'm pretty sure there's a rule that you can't be all lovey dovey in class right?

Followed behind the boy was the guy from before, he had a strong figure and spiky hair along with thing mean eyes that were a hasle-green. He also did the same, giving the blond a light peck on his forehead.

Then came two more, a short guy with straight, bleached hair. The roots were still brown which I'm assuming is his real hair color, he had his phone in horizontal position playsing a game. And beside that person is a lightly more tuned man, he was tall, probably slightly shorter that myself. He had messy bed hair and baggy clothes, he had an arm slung around the smaller boys shoulders.

The two also followed completely unfazed. Can't say the same abound the poor blond in the middle. He was trying to get his stuff and sit down but oikawa had already done that and sat in one of the seats drawing and blond down to sit in his lap. The 5 all sat in the same row a loving up on the blond.

Soon after about 5 minutes the later the late bell rung and class started. Komori was busy talking to the guy next to him, I think his name was akagi, and he could only focus on the blond that was only a few seats away from him


(● • ω •  ●)
You made it to the end yay~
Tell me what you think :p

Srry for the mistakes and byee~

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