Memories about: Mark

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- Anger issues <3
- If that isn't a nonbinary idk what he is
- I don't know WHERE in the world he got his glock btw
- He had acne at times
- He helped me feel better about being trans
- We spent a lot of time calling eachother
- His sister Sarah was also really sweet!
- He had a pet cat! Kitty kitty :3
- We used to have sleepovers as children, he'd often complain about my loud snoring. (For those who want a good idea about how I used to snore, imagine the AUGGHHHH Winstead meme-)
- I'm not religious like he was, and he had to get used to the fact I wouldn't say grace before eating, he'd stare at me like I just disrespected his mother or something
- Mark was like 20 in source memories, and lived alone. I was like 19.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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