1-The Romance

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vice was typing on PB2 discord, until then Tea appears with her pink bra, the moment they exchange looks they fall in love

Vice were very nervous as it was the first time you saw Tea naked

"Wanna see my ass?"
Asked Tea To Vice

then the two started kissing madly
but someone was against this love...

then suddenly Rockly appeared, he was against this love
he was in love at Vice

so while Vice and Tea were shirtless Rocky threw a kick that only someone talented like rock lee could give

Tea fell to the ground from the kick, so he pulls out a knife and Majima's theme song starts playing

But Tea had one more hidden weapon...

Tea's penis grew making the lightsaber noise
and then Tea cut Mystic's pants making him only in his underwear

"Wow! It's Big"
Thinked Mystic

so after beating the mystic tea he told vice that he was actually black
Vice looked back and started to cry
"How i could love a black man!?"
Sayed Vice

"Vice But-"

"NO EXCUSES! I can't date a black man"

so vice left Tea's house
and took a plane to new york

so while Tea was crying Michael Jackson came out of the sky and said a lot of motivating things and gave him the form of White
"Hee-hee, Take This And Fuck With Your Boyfriend!"

so Tea teleported Vice back to her house
"NO, YOU ARE BLACK! wait how you become white?"

then it is revealed that Tea was turning into Mr White

Tea had the brilliant idea of ​​selling drugs to have plastic surgery to get back to normal

and so began "Breaking Vice"

The Romance With Vice And TeaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin