Feminism and Chivalry

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I feel like chivalry and feminism can coexist. The problem is that people's definition of feminism and their definition of chivalry differ so much, it's impossible to come to a common understanding.
To my understanding, feminism is the belief that women deserve economic, political, and social equality to men. Fighting against the prehistoric belief that men are better and more competent simply because they're men. In my eyes, supporting feminism means you believe a female CEO and a male CEO with the same work requirements and hours should be paid the same amount. Plain and simple.
Women, yes, we can open our own door, pay for our own meals, and fix our own toilet. It's important that we can. There is no need for male dependency in the 21st century. It is also important to beware attitude. Unfortunately, the world isn't fair for us; to be a successful woman, you have to be fierce; but don't let this fierceness go too far. Be on guard in meetings, but don't give a man the evil eye if he opens the door when you're leaving the market.
Men, being chivalrous is not a crime. You will not die if you help a woman out of the car, nor does that give you a magical upper hand in a relationship. These actions do not mean we are weak, it is showing RESPECT for us as women. Male confidence is just as important as female confidence, but confidence is not thinking you're better than any person or gender; confidence is having faith in yourself and your abilities as your own, not over someone.
In conclusion, as previously stated, I believe feminism and chivalry are capable of coexistence, but only if there is a mutual respect between sexes. It can happen.
Let everyone be respected as an individual and no one be idolized.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2015 ⏰

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