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After that beautiful event we went to dinner and sat together "Y/n! " i looked around and saw severus gesturing me to go to their table since i have a well known family i go there and sat next to severus and lily

The twins gave severus a death glare while the 3 marauders smirked at him and remus he looked like he was somewhat jealous but it must be something else me severus and lily talked while lucius is all over me kissing my hand i just ignore it when Luke  got up and went towards him and punched him straight at the nose a fight broke out and i managed to break them off by threatening him by glowing my eyes red he knows what that means he himself broke the fight and grabbed me by the wrist and took me to an empty classroom"I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM HIM! "He yelled" LUKE YOU DO NOT OWN ME! "I yelled back

" SAYS WHO?! "

"SAYS ME! " I said as i growl while showing my eyes

He backed off calmed down and said"I dont want you near malfoy"

"Why not? "

"Because he is evil, his father is a well known death eater you know that"

"Fine i wont go near him"

He hugged me, kissed my head and said thank you i sigh and went to the ravenclaw common room.


I was talking to y/n when snape called her over while i watch her walk away i felt my claws dig my palm so i took my chocolate and ate a peace my nails went back to normal but my feelings didnt but as i was abt to stand up luke beat me to it punched malfoy at the nose a fight broke out  but y/n managed to break them up without doing anything but when i looked at her her eyes wer glowing red 'is she a werewolf? 'Iasked myself but it was ridiculous

Once the fight is broken i went to the common room and fell asleep as i hit the pillow

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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