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It had been a week since Megha was at her mother's. Her mother was much better than before but since Megha missed Mansi and her mother a lot, she decided to stay for a few more days.

"That's not fair! You are my wife! We are supposed to be together."

He whined making Megha chuckle at his stupidity.

Today she and Pooja had an event outside college. Shivam had bunked his lectures to be with Pooja since he was in no mood to study.

After their event they were coming back to college when Megha suddenly fainted making Pooja shriek and Shivam scared.

They picked her up and quickly sat in an auto and took her to the hospital.

They called each one of their friends but seemed like everyone was in class because no one answered.

So they left a message on their Whatsapp group.

Doctor examined Megha and Pooja and Shivam waited outside. The doctor came out and asked them.

"Is she married?"

They shook their head and she asked again.

"Any boyfriend?"

They nodded and she said.

"She is 3 weeks pregnant."

Pooja's eyes widened and she looked at Shivam. Since, none of them knew about her marriage with Nikhil because they decided that they invite them at their place and would tell after Megha comes back home.

Soon everyone came rushing probably after reading the message. Nikhil was the first one to arrive. He looked like someone had snatched his breath from him. His hair disheveled and his filled with fear and worry.

"Where is she?"

He asked as soon as he saw Pooja and Shivam.

"Armaan kaha hai?"

(Where is Armaan?)

Pooja asked not bothering to reply. This made Nikhil angry but he controlled himself. He needed to see Megha right now.

"I don't know. Just tell me where is she."

"Just call that fucker here!"

Shivam whisper yelled and Nikhil asked gritting out his teeth.

"What the hell has happened? Kya Armaan Armaan laga rkha hai?"

(What is this Armaan Armaan?)

"She is pregnant!"

Pooja whisper yelled and Nikhil's eyes widened. 

"Where is she?"

He whispered and this time Pooja pointed to the room behind her. He ran there without another word.

They followed him looking extremely confused.

Megha was sitting on the bed with a smile on her face and her hand caressing her stomach.

She looked up hearing the door open and her smile broadened seeing her husband.

Nikhil slumped against the wall and exhaled in relief. He looked at her and walked to her with fast steps.

He hugged her tightly making Pooja and Shivam look at him wide eyed.

"Hamara baby!"

(Our baby!)

Megha whispered and Nikhil kissed all over her face. Pooja and Shivam now looked ready to faint out of shock and they almost did when Nikhil kissed her lips softly.

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