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I felt the wind in the darkness, it was as it was, windy. Nothing was visible. It was all black. I couldn't feel or hear. I never tried talking either, it was as if my freedom disappeared in an instance. I didn't know if I could see, afterall even the blind can only see black all round.
My senses were all gone. It felt as if I was locked away in eternity.
I didn't know what was happening. It felt weird. I wanted to escape.
For an instant I knew i was alive, or atleast I existed.

Why was I here? Where was I? No those weren't questions that came to my mind. The first question i asked myself was,

I didn't know who I was. Did I have a name? What do I look like? Do I have friends? Family?
I wanted to know it all.
I stayed there for a while. As if time stopped, I couldn't even roughly guess how long was I there. It was  never ending darkness. The only thing I could hear was the sound of wind. But was it really wind? I didn't know anything.
But I did know i wanted to escape. The feeling of being free didn't come from me, it was as if my instincts wanted to be free, I being me, didn't know what i myself wanted. Did I want to escape this darkness?
Or did I lock myself up here. The possibilities were a lot.
I want to believe I could do something. But anytime i tried to remember what's going on my head would hurt. I was being stopped.


I tried talking, I could talk. I could feel the vibrations from my echoe but I couldn't hear my voice.
Was there really no one? Not a soul in this void place? We're all my efforts gone to waste? Did I even put in any efforts? Was I even trying?
I gave up. I gave up trying. I gave up finding a way. I gave up putting efforts into all my efforts. I was hopeless.
Nothing I did worked, what made me think it will work anymore? Nothing did.
This endless black void, maybe I was being punished?
It made me think. Think a lot.
I guess this present had already become past by the time I got Hope again, hope that I'd get away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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