#3 Studying

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A little study date :)
AU where Will didn't move to California bc that absolutely breaks my little gay heart and also it wouldn't make sense bc why would they study for a test of of them wouldn't be taking
That's all, very fluffy, enjoy. AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DONT JUST READ IT AND MOVE ON. leave kudos/likes or I will explode.

It was the end of sophomore year. Mike and Will were studying in Will's room. At least, that's what they were supposed to be doing.

"I literally have a one hundred in that class, what am I doing," Will joked, twirling his pencil in his fingers. He glanced down at the empty pad of a paper Mike had in front of himself for the entire time, then back at his own that was covered in his curvy handwriting.

Mike had abandoned the paper, and instead found himself staring at his boyfriend. "Are you actually going to study, or just look at me?" Will joked.
"I'll take the second option."
"The love is appreciated, but you are very distracting, and I'm not gonna slip you answers on this test."

Mike made a small hum of protest before picking up his pencil and half-heartedly copying Will's notes. He gave up halfway through and resumed his staring.

"Mike," Will said, noticing quickly, "Quit giving me the eyes."
"I'm not, I'm not. Just, waiting for you to finish what you're writing so I can write it too."
"Sure, Mikey, whatever you say."

Mike rolled his eyes at the taunting nickname. He looked at Will more closely. He could spend years looking at Will's face and never get tired of it.

He particularly liked his faint dusting of freckles. No one really saw them because of how light they were, but Mike did. And he absolutely adored them.

"You're so pretty," Mike said, leaning his head on his hand.
Will's cheeks flushed ever so slightly. "Shush and do your paper."
"Noooooo. History is boring."
"It's only boring because you lack the imagination required to make it enjoyable."
"Thanks for the encouragement, Will. Love you too," Mike said sarcastically.

Will smiled and continued, occasionally looking up at his textbook before scribbling out a few words.

Mike reached out his hand and put it on Will's cheek before gently pulling his face in his direction. He leaned in a little. "Kiss?" Mike asked. The one word was what the two had shorted the usual question to after deciding it was too long to say.

Will responded by connecting their lips. It was a quick kiss, but still soft and sweet. Will turned back to his notes a few seconds after smiling at Mike.

Mike buried his head into Will's shoulder. He just wanted to be as close to him as possible. Will reached out to play with his hair for a moment before inevitably needing it to write.

"How much longer?" Mike asked impatiently.
"Just a little bit, calm down. I just have to finish this little section."

Mike rested his head on the armrest of Will's seat. He looked up at his hand writing busily.

Will had said about three times that he was almost done, but he was very far from done. Mike put his hand on Will's cheek again. He pulled his face to his direction, same as last time.

"I think you've taken enough notes. Let's just lay on your bed and act like noting in that world matters," Mike suggested.
"Three more sentences."
"Short sentences."

Will continued to write. Mike could distinctly tell that it was well past three sentences. "I'm revoking your nerd privilege," Mike said, swiftly taking Will's pencil.

"You realize that I have ten other pencils."
"I will take them as well."
"Why are you like this?"
"Like what?"
"Clingy as hell."
"Hey, you signed up for this. Actually, you wanted this!"

Will smiled and leaned down to kiss Mike's forehead. He stood up and stretched. Mike did too and hugged him tightly.

He pulled Will onto the bed with him. They held each other gently but tightly. Will looked up at him and pushed their lips together again. He smiled into the kiss, a feeling Mike never wanted to forget.

"God, I love you so much," Mike muttered.
"I love it when you're clingy."

Will yawned and realized how tired he was. He put his arms around Mike's neck and Mike put his around his waist. Will fell asleep quickly.

Mike looked down fondly. He smiled and kissed the bridge of Will's nose before falling asleep himself.

They stayed like that for a while, eventually falling asleep, only for Johnathan to walk in an hour later to check on them. He saw the two intertwined and smiled. He draped a blanket over them and went back to his room silently.

Word Count: 754
Finished: 6-12-2022, 6:17 A.M.
I feel like all of these end with them falling asleep

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