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Supernatural/ scifi/ Space

The cruise ship of Dawn Industries pauses to watch the destruction of an entire planet. Sci-fi and mild horror.

So this one is a bit messed up... not sure what it says about me but here we are. I kind of like it, it gives me almost dark Dr. Who/Fifth element vibes.

Serious warning for distressing content: descriptions of torture (brief) and violence/abusive themes

Prompt: a pilot sees a creature for what he truly is (Enemies to friends)

He watched it burn, yet felt nothing. The all consuming fire engulfed his planet and scorched it in a fury never before seen.

Around him they clapped. They idled over gleaming silver platters and clinked their glasses together in merriment. They laughed while his home morphed into ball of flame out of reach beyond the window of the ornate shuttle.

A stout man stood in front of Hakshith, dressed in fine dark clothing, and gleamed down at the destroyed world. When he turned back to the crowd, his too small eyes were full of pride and amusement. He swayed slightly, his golden drink spiling and cleared his throat.

"My lovely guests, how gracious you are to join me on this momentous occasion. Firstly, I must thank our sponsors, they've stuck with us over the last ten years throughout this war and today we finally get to see the results we promised."

Warm applause filled the large observation deck and humans dressed in tight fitted cloth offered food to the many present.

"This started with a dream of one humble man, and though I had help," He gestured to some of the people gathered, "You would not find me down there in uniform I tell you that." He patted his swelling stomach to the sound of amusement. "Our men and women have performed a feat no other could. I stand before you, ladies and gentlemen of The Dawnbreaker with pride in what our race has accomplished. The spawning rock of the Hakshi is no more." It burned behind him, illuminating him in an orange glow. "I told you tonight would be special, but I have another surprise for you all."

The man, Gorigan Volt, gestured for one of the crew to lower his surprise from the ceiling. Men and women dressed in nauseating colours looked around eagerly. A swishing hum filled the space and the cage was lowered into the middle of the room. A human screamed and jumped back, shocked gasps assaulted him and Volt laughed. The man made his way over to the golden cage, holding his drink in one hand and a cane in the other.

"Yes, my friends, you are seeing correctly." Smug confidence brought Volt directly in front of his prisoner. "We caught one of them. And not just any run of the mill peasant. No no..." His sneer grew and Volt locked eyes with the creature behind the plasma bars. "I present to you, one of the seven Hakshi Princes, in all his glory."

Teshix snarled at him and spat. Gorgan Volt flinched as the Hakshi's spittle flecked his grey beard, his superior mocking disposition rolling into disgust. He wiped his face and tapped his cane against Teshix' cage. The Hakshi male tensed in anticipation, but it was too late; searing energy coursed around and within him. It lined his veins and tore through his body with relentless agony. Vaguely Teshix heard a cane click against the floor and the energy puffed away, returning to the bars of his cage. The prince bowed his head, his eyes blazing a brilliant violet from the pain and he breathed soft pants through his mouth.

"It's horrible." One female exclaimed.

"Look at its horns and that tail! Who knew such evil creatures existed."

"Yes, fiends of adultery and sin." A man remarked with his mouth half full. "You and Dawn Industries have done the galaxy a great service Mr. Volt."

A sense of agreement passed across the crowd, but most kept their distance from the cage. After the humans had inspected him, Teshix noted several men approach. They were dressed similarly to Volt and seemed to be of the same age; their discussions indicated they were well acquainted.

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