Chapter 6.

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Alex had stayed with her father for the night, she insisted that Allison went home and got some rest, after much debating Allison agreed.

Alex tried to heal him, despite having heard a million reasons why she shouldn't, but she couldn't sit around and do nothing.

Not that it did much, Alex would have killed herself if she had went any further.

Allison showed up that morning, insisted Alex went home. Alex conceded that morning and left, but not with the intention of going home, she ended up going to school, anything was better than being alone.

Alex hadn't paid much attention to what was being taught, her eyes were glued to an old rusted jeep; it had been left dormant in the parking lot for days.

"You are taking the Jeep?"

"Yes. No one gets left behind!"

Alex gasped quietly, there it was again. That voice.

Alex noticed a tow truck pull up, and for some reason, she couldn't let him take that jeep.

Alex grabbed her bag and ran out of class, apologising as she left. She heard ms finch yell something, but Alex didn't care enough to listen.

She ran out the parking lot "hey!" She yelled, she stopped when she reached him "you can't take it"

"Paperwork says I can. It's reported as abandoned. "

"And now it's not." Alex put her hand on the jeep, claiming it as her Own

"Oh, this is your vehicle?"

Alex pulled out her keys, hoping to stall him. She noticed an unfamiliar key hanging on the ring, her brows furrowed

Alex gasped "a key to the jeep, well now I know I'm important"

"I trust you most in this world, so now you have access to my most important possession

"Yes!" Alex exclaimed, "it's my jeep"

"Prove it"

Alex shoved the key into the keyhole, she prayed silently that it would work, she turned the key and the jeep unlocked

"My jeep" she nodded

"Whatever" the man muttered, he unhooked the jeep

𝙎𝙆𝙔𝙁𝘼𝙇𝙇 // 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙆𝙄Where stories live. Discover now