'[1]' Gullible.

16 1 0

I was an idiot.

I listened to every word he said..

I picked up the sharp object I've been told not to touch..

And I listened to him.

Every word.

A soft breeze over my lifeless body on the grass caused me to jolt awake, panting.

I stared at my hands in disbelief.. Where was I..?

Those hands weren't mine.

I stood up, still panting and wobbling on my newfound boots.

I waved my arms a little trying to regain my balance.

I needed to focus on figuring out where I was.. In a forest. Not like the ones near my house, but filled with shrubs and apple trees.

I felt something brush against my face, and brushed my.. Leaf? Out of my vision.

I continued forward feeling flowers and grass crush under the soles of my boots.



I read this in my drafts and decided to publish, cuz it's decent writing lmao.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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