Chapter one

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you felt your eyes begin to sting as tears started to form. No! Not here! Not now! Squaring your shoulders you looked up. You could see the anger etched in your big brothers face, and although his shaggy blond hair concealed them you could just see his eyes. Your heart finally  breaking as you gazed into her brothers normally friendly green eyes, which were now cold and hard and full of hatred. Taking a deep shaky breath you looked your eldest brother in the eyes and made the hardest decision of you life. "Fine then i'm leaving!" you shouted. You spun on your heel slamming the door to your room as you went, wiping a tear from your cheek. Shaky but determined you threw your things into a bag and stormed out of the house. Iggy followed you out the door and down the stairs, "You can't leave" He said in his thick british accent smirking. "Where are you going to go? America" is getting tired of you" he sneered. "I don't know and I don't care, Anywhere is better than here!" You shouted. You hailed a cab and directed the cabby to take you to the nearest airport. As you sped away you called the airport and arranged for a private flight. Then you dialed Alfred, he  answered on the fourth ring, "Yo whats up?" he answered. "Hey Alfred, it's Dylan, can I crash at your place for a bit?". "Of course, is something wrong? You sound upset, Is Iggy being an ass again? I'll kill him!" He fumed. "I'll explain when I get there okay?" You said hopefully. "Well alright" he said reluctantly, "well see you soon then, bye." he said starting to hang up. "Wait! Um Alfred?" You breathed biting your lip. "Yeah?" He Answered. " Are...are you getting sick of me?" You blurted. "What? No! Dylan, your always welcome here, you know that. What ever gave you that idea?" He exclaimed. "N-nothing never mind" you stuttered and quickly hung up. It wouldn't have surprised you if he had said yes, lately you had been spending a lot of time at his house because of Iggy. So much time in fact that you had your own bedroom.

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