(15) Vennin

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(The squad is resting in the treehouse, the clock sets at 2:30 am. Ray is resting in the corner while Val is teaching Ike origami bc they don't slep)

Val out of no where:[ i suffer from ADHD...EHHHH] ( she says this in a high pitched voice)

Ike had just made an origami swan and was cradling it in his hand: [imma call him Carl] :)

V:[good name choice-]


(Ray's phone was buzzing in his pocket)

Val then pick pockets Ray and takes his phone- she answers the call

Val on the phone: Hi welcome to Dominos how may i help you-

F on the phone: Crap– uhhhh sorry wrong number??

V: oh hey it's the annoying blond kid hey-

F: ouch....

V: ok hold on cause Ray is the only one that understands whatever you say-

(Val jump kicks ray, knocking the wind outta him)


R, coughing: WH– WHAT THE HELL?!

F: OxO

V: annoying blond kids on the phone.

R:.... Fine. (He takes the phone) Yeah?

F: Hey! Um.. so we have some readings about that electro field thingy we talked about..?

(The room turns sober and chilling, something about this is unsettling)

R: oh, where?

F: Northeast, up near Delaware again. But it's in a really weird spot, it's boomed once, better come by quickly because i don't know how long it'll stay open.

R: Send me the coordinates

F: yes sir'

R to the squad: [ok, we have a lead. Come on]

I: [Woo!] (He jumps up and grabs his spear and mask)

V: [ LES GO] ( start to pack the poison back in the belt along with the knife she had been sharpening through the day-)

R: Vamo! (They make their way off, because it was night and no one was up, the quickest way to get there was to fly)

(They manage to get there around 3:05 am. They search around the area of where the coordinates pointed to. It led to an isolated beach, away from any city or port. It was a hidden cove, the sand was a dark tan as the water deepened the color.)

R: [this is the place... I don't see anything. ]

Val kinda just wanders thanks to her ADHD ass and good eyesight

V:[ hey what's that weird looking thing on the sky- MY FAMILIA HAS COME FOR ME-]

(There was a dim light in the sky, it could be easily mistaken as a star, but seeing how there were no stars out, it seemed odd.)

I: [Could that be it?]

R: [must be...] (his mind trailed to the dream, it seemed like Deja vu.)

I: [I really hope what came out of that is a friendly....] (((lol nope sorry kiddo)))

V:[ heck knows but... that could be the rest of my ghost family-]

R: [Ike, is there anything we need to know before going up? Anything at all?]

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