Alex's past

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Alex's POV:
So I was 5 when my dad left my mom. We lived in New Jersey, in the hood. We we're doing ok off of my old man's money but, he said he couldn't stand her anger issues anymore. She said it was my fault, cause she doesn't wanna admit that she was the reason why he left. Anyways, she would physically and mentally abused me. I was too young at the time to realize it. I'd always come to school with a new bruise, scar, or reason to cry. I passed out at school a lot, due to blood loss or cause I couldn't sleep from all the nightmares I got from her. When I got to middle school I was 14. Got into fights, got bullied, abused at home for being "an embarrassment" how fun is that? I got to high school only the Lord knows how that happened...but yeah, I met my girlfriend (now ex) and my dumbass thought "as long as I have Monica I'll be happy" yeah, thats bullshit. We would have the best dates..too bad she fucked everything up my wanting to see my mom. So me being fucking stupid, I introduce her to my mom and my idiotic self thought "maybe my mom will be nicer to me since she likes Monica" guess what, they both abused me. Monica would just verbally abuse me telling me "your mom is right you are a useless piece of shit". If I did something that she didn't like she'd punch me in the face. How wonderful. My mom didn't change. Not shocking since you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Then one day me and my mom we're fighting as usual, I go to Monica's house cause I needed someone to talk to. I walk in her house and go to her room. You know what I see? I see her having sex with some random guy. (Now looking back I can't blame her since he was sexy) I started yelling at her, the guy beats me up. Monica calls my mom, they beat me up more. Then I feel I knife stab my chest to my heart. I cried and smiled while I feel a "thank you" slip out of my mouth. It's been 2 months since that happened and I came to hell. I also made a friend, he said he got murdered too, his name is "Lunar". He has a girlfriend and a boyfriend. His wish to be with them forever hasn't been fulfilled yet so he can go back to earth. He's a dark angel. (Don't ask me how dark or fallen angels could be in hell)

Lunar's POV:
Yeah, so Alex was drunk one night and slit my throat open and killed me, but we're still friends! besides I can't explain this to him. I said it was a robber who killed me. Him, Minori, and Leo are good friends, that makes me very happy!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2022 ⏰

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