Chapter 1

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"All aboard!" The ship's first mate yells after all the geisha and crew board the ship that would soon be in port at Katolis.

Mariko went to the edge of the deck, taking one last look at her land before the ship began to pull away.

- I promise I'll come back! And when that happens... it will be spring. I will be able to see the cherry blossoms bloom more beautiful than any other day.-

She looks at the sky lost in thought, not noticing Tsunade approaching.

"You seem less excited than the others now, Mariko. Is something bothering you?" The master gently touches Mariko's shoulder.

"I don't know anything about Europe, let alone Katolis. I'm afraid of what awaits me." Mariko clutches her flowery white haori for comfort.

Tsunade just smiles at her. "My dear, this is normal! Even if it doesn't seem like it, I'm nervous too, but I know that Katolis will welcome us and I promisse you will have fun."

Mariko smiles and hugs the woman. "Thank you, Tsunade-sama! You've always been so kind to us."

Tsunade reciprocates the affection and caresses the young woman's head. "That's what mothers do!"

Her moment is interrupted by the voices of the younger geishas. "Mariko, come see this!"

"Is very beautiful!"

Mariko looks to where the girls are pointing and her eyes light up as she sees a group of whales swimming downstream near the boat, some of them jumping and falling gracefully into the water.

"How beautiful!"

As she approached the other side of the ship, Mariko could see the little baby whale playing in the water and squealing.


After two days of travel, the ship finally docked in the European port.

The girls descended, relieved to finally arrive, and quickly climbed into the carriages.

Mariko looks around. Everything looked different. People didn't wear kimono like in Japan, their eyes were bigger than those of oriental people and they had different shades of hair color. The houses were mostly made of wood rather than having paper doors or windows, there weren't as many flowers on the streets and most of the women wore dresses.

Feeling a light touch on her cheek, Mariko turns around and finds a black horse that was nudging her face with its muzzle. She laughs and caresses the animal's face.

"I liked you too!"

Tsunade laughs happily at the scene. "Mariko, let's go!"

Mariko gives the horse a kiss on the nose before following her group and climbing into the carriage.


After yet another unsuccessful training from Prince Callum, Soren receives a message about the group of geishas that arrived in the kingdom while passing through the city on his horse.

Curious, he decides to watch them pass, only for his eyes to widen.

Among all those beautiful women, one of them stood out. Her long thin hair that swayed as she walked seemed to glow in the sun as did her brown eyes and smooth white skin. Her lips were thin and slightly pink and her white kimono made her look like an angel.

Soren felt his cheeks heat up, never seeing any girl as beautiful as the young geisha.

"Mariko, we're close to our cabin! I can't wait to see my new room!" One of the geishas happily talks to her. Mariko just smiles and agrees with her.

-So, that's her name! Mariko... is a little different, but... very beautiful.-

He smiles slightly, but then stops when Mariko and the others start to walk away.

Soren is disappointed in himself for not being able to talk to Mariko, but he is hopeful that he will find her again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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