Just A Man

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There lived a man
in a place
Full of creatures
Creatures you'll never wanna see
Yes! Humans they were called
Corrupted by hate and divide
But there he was
Cradling in his heart his childhood innocence
Uncorrupted by them all
Loving them all
He never needed a thing in return
So, they never gave him

He gave them love
They gave him hate
He gave them his life
They can him his death

He taught them what's
Good and bad
So they held on to bad
Thinking, why be good
If u can be soooo bad
Good just an excuse of the weak

So He tried to teach them abt
love and hate
So they held on hate
Thinking, if love is good
And good is weak
So why be weak

So here he was
lying by the footpath
Hungry and shivering
But yet feeding and covering the poor
The ones who will never respect him
Cause he knows what's good and right

So there he died
Feeding and covering the poor
Convicted by the crime of being good
But he was in joy
As he knew
He'd could now look up to god and say
I've lived right 

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