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then nolan moxy and the others got out and made their way through uglyville and the Institute of Imperfection Everything was Burned and Destroyed nobody was around moxy and the others were creeped out the town was empty so they tried calling out to everyone but unfortunately none responded they hoped that they evacuated safely and nolan was really scared and worried they walked around town to find everyone at the stadium they were so terrified and scared the sky was red and the portal to the big world was closed and the atmosphere was covered in smoke and all the dolls were locked up in cages and some were trapped they were blocked by giant fences And couldn't get out and all the robots were busted the expositions, the dog, and the baby
moxy and the others tried to free them but they couldn't nolan was really scared then Tv screen started flickering everydoll moxy and the others and nolan looked up to see that the screen showed a living room
but then Charles popped up at the screen making everydoll and nolan scream as moxy and the others jumped nolan was scared and charles started laughing

Charles: Hello everyone!
Gotcha! Didn't I?

Ox: Charles!!!!

Charles: HELLO. TO. YOU. TOO.

Slickdog: Where's Lou?

Charles: he's safe, but not for long....

charles said and nolan got very scared worried as charles continued

Ox: What have you done with him?!

Charles: Hahaha Your funny, I'm looking forward for the Competition!

charles said and moxy and the others were confused

Moxy: what competition?

Charles: Me and Lou are just gonna Play a game of Hide and Seek!
Surely I'm the Seeker! Right Louise?

charles said as he showed them lou and that he was still in a cage

Nolan: Lou!

nolan cried out and everyone was shocked moxy and the others were too then charles continued

Charles: Let's get started!

Nolan: wait!

Charles: have fun!

charles laughed and nolan was super scared and worried for Lou then a Manor rose up from the floor at the center of the stadium then the Screen moved from footage to footage of hidden cameras in the manor nolan was shaking in fear as everydoll got scared when they heard charles counting moxy and the others did too as Charles finished counting but this time instead of a screw he was holding two Burning Torches to hunt out lou

Charles: Ready or Not! Here I come!

luckybat: we gotta get him out of there!

Babo: we're trying!

they said as they were trying to open the doors of the manor it was locked shut and then everyone and nolan moxy and the others watched as they saw Lou hiding behind a door he ran quietly as they hoped for lou to not get hurt lou only had to collect puzzle pieces and solve it and then give it to charles so that he wins but instead Lou wanted to escape he was trying to find a way out so he got on top of a table and ducked behind the jars as soon as he saw charles

Charles: Come out, come out
Wherever you are~

Lou: you've manipulated me ever since Adam died!
The truth is you're jealous!
You're threatened!
The truth is you fooled me!
You made me believe that no one!
Would love me for who I am!
and for what I am!

lou shouted nolan was tearing up and Everyone was surprised and moxy and the others were too

Lou: You didn't keep me close because I was your Best friend! You kept me close because I was your Enemy!

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