Chapter 2: Inconsonance

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CHAPTER 2: inconsonance


This chapter is mostly dialogue and a setup for future chapters so bare with me...

Ill spell check later lmao

Edited 11-6-2022

"Who's More Foolish; The Fool, Or The Fool Who Follows Him?"

-Obi wan Kenobi.


''Anakin it is clearly a trap!'' Don't just run into it, your gonna get yourself killed!'' General Kenobi threw his hands in the air, utterly convinced that his padawan was a lost cause. Wait no, former padawan. Anakin was a knight now.

Anakin huffed, clearly not agreeing with his former master. ''If it was a trap why make it so obvious?'' He asked. ''We could easily-.''

''Anakin, no.'' Obi wan interrupted. ''You see these black crates inside the shuttle?'' He pointed at the holomap in front of them. It showed a separatist camp, a few shuttles, crates and alot of battle droids. The scouts they had send earlier had successfully made a scan of the camp. They said they went unnoticed. Obi wan frowned, it had almost been too easy.

''These are force suppressors, they cut off your connection to the force. You'll feel like your blind and deaf. Without the force, you'll be thrown completely off balance!'' Obi wan shiverd. He spoke from experience, being cut off from the force was the worst experience a jedi could imagine. You never realize how much you rely on it until it is taken away from you.

''In the battlefield force suppressors like this are utterly useless, but in a confined space like that shuttle-''

''Well then we'll simply not go inside the shuttle.'' Anakin counterd. Determined to convince his former master.

Obi wan shook his head, his anxiety growing. He stroked his beard in a very Obi-Wan like fashion. They had barely gotten any good rest in weeks. The separatists had started a siege on Ryloth, keeping several hundred twi'leks hostage as a living shield. The republic had assigned him and Anakin to launch a counter attack. They had, and it had worked. The separatists were in retreat. What they were looking at on the holomap was one of their last strongholds. But then again, it had almost felt too easy...

''Your forgetting count Dooku, he''ll be there too. And he will undoubtedly be trained in fighting without the force. You will not stand a chance against him in that situation.''

''We can definitly-''

''No, Anakin, we can not.''  

They fell silent for a few seconds, contemplating. 

''Qui Gon would have let me.'' Anakin said suddenly. 

Obi wan's face turned pale, eyes darkening as he looked at Anakin.

It had been well over ten years since Qui Gon died and Obi Wan had learned to bury his grief deep beneath the responsibilitys of his duty. Still, Anakin who had only known Qui Gon for a few weeks using his name so nonchalantly made him feel a sting of sadness and bitter anger.

Anakin refused to meet his master's eyes. Knowing damn well that it was not his place to use Qui Gon as an argument. When Obi wan stayed silent he took his chance. Making a last effort to convince his master, frustration growing inside of him.

''If we capture Dooku now we can end the siege, maybe even the war!'' Now meeting his master's eyes with a hard gaze. ''Besides, just because you are completely useless without the force doesn't mean that i-''

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