3 - Meteor Shower (no lyrics)

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Giselle |


You (Giselle)
why would you even say that?

I never did, Gigi! you really need to stop believing them

How could I not, ning? They have screenshots and everything!

You know what, were done

--You have blocked this user--

Its been nearly 3 years now, I regret saying those words. 
The last time I talked to her she told me to go to hell

She wishes I go to hell, then I'll go to hell
well tbh theres no chance im going in heaven anyways
your such an idiot aeri
such a fucking idiot
you knew what you were doing
you keep judging too quickly
fuck you aeri

fuck you

thst so called "friendship" has been a wreck since the very start
holy shit giselle ur a horrible person
why cant i just be nice for once?why
just WHY

I'm sorry, please forgive me

this is author, its been so long sincs i last updated lol, im sorry it was short. have a good day everyone! 😁

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