Story 3: Chapter 24

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     Slowly opened up to the shimmering light around her, Althea woke up the following morning, her dreams reflecting the nature of how she felt. Free from that feeling of guilt, no longer having to put on a false face, finally free to be the person she always was. Althea Sehn, a person from Plousia, just a person seeking out fulfillment.
     She felt her hand tingle, visualizing the dream she had just awoken from, that space still haunting her, yet giving her bits of relief. In her head space, noticing four distinct silhouettes slumped on the floor, resting on the dark place of hopelessness.
     "Guys, I'm sorry for what I did, do you guys forgive me?" she spoke, reaching her hand down to those hollow silhouettes, her body slipping through them.
     Phasing through them like ghosts, she looked at their bodies, all slumped over, completely dead and deceased. Holding nothing with them, she tripped in the middle of them, their blank red eyes gazing at her, the monster that had torn everything from them. Trapped in this field of guilt, she woke up among her greatest allies, the rebellion in Nebel.
     She clung onto her sheets, her body insanely tense, everything in a sense of chaos, everything far from home.
     "I need to make things right" she said, quickly moving out of bed.
     Running out of the rebellion base, she faced the late morning air, the cool autumn breeze swaying in the wind. Exposing herself to the sunlight that she had been so drowned out by, putting herself on the spot in the middle of their plaza.
     Anxious while she stood in the middle of the people, her eyes dilated with worry for fear, a sense of isolation from everybody. She panicked, looking around as all those memories resurfaced, that feeling of light stinging to the touch, only wanting to drown herself out from everybody. Wanting to retreat away from people.
     Her mind ran with thoughts, "What if they know, how will they feel, how will I be punished... I just wanna be gone".
     Drowning in a sense of stress and fear, she quickly felt a hand lay atop her shoulder, a hand that sent the fear of a thousand needles underway. A force that seemed so pure, yet so intimidating, the person extending the hand being her friend, Anna.
     "Hey Althea, how was the festival yesterday?" Anna asked, vibrant and full of energy, her voice moving up with enthusiasm.
     Althea bounced back, nervously trying to avoid the situation, now in the proximity of Anna with her real face. No longer hiding behind the identity of a spy, she felt like a citizen of Nebel, a cherished one.
     "It was good," she quietly replied, the sadness about to break her completely.
     Gripping her on the wrist, Anna gave her a tug, turning in the direction of the local diner, attempting to pull her in that direction. Moving along with her cherished friend, she seemed elated, her smile bursting with joy.
     Reluctantly trying to fight back, Althea tried to hold back tears, saying, "Wait, I think we should stay here".
     Baffled, Anna said, "Hm, why's that? I'm hungry and I want to get a move on".
     "because there's something I have to admit" Althea cut her off, creating a saddening tension between the two.
     Cast into the center of the rebellion plaza, all lights, all glimpses, and all attention was directed onto her. Combatting the early sunshine overhead, her body tensed up, a sign of her true nervousness.
     "Well what is it, I'm sure you're hungry too, ya know" Anna playfully remarked.
     Squeezing her fist tightly, she finally gathered the courage to look Anna in the eye, saying, "Look, I know ever since I've come here that you've tried to be friends with me, and that you really do want the best in people. I hope because of that... that you can forgive me, because I will be admitting a lot".
     Anna stood quietly, waiting for her to speak her message, timidly trying to back away, yet facing that challenge through its pain.
     "But I am a spy for Welland, I was sent here to investigate you guys. I know this whole time I have been lying, I'm not actually from the Lazaro Islands, I was from Plousia, a so called manipulator of fate. I really have no reasons to be friends with you after admitting this, I'm sure you have better things, but it was the right thing to let you know" she spoke, her heart racing in that moment.
     Each thump of her chest brought a new challenge, a new worry. The bubbly side of Anna had to have a dark side, a place that resented people like her. Those doubtful thoughts started to accumulate into Althea as she shrouded herself back in the darkness, that same comfortable place.
     Anna moved in closely, ready to wield her hammer of judgment, willing to outcast others with her bright colors. Ready to comment degradingly on it, she looked at Althea.
     "Are you okay?" she asked.
     Her large eyes appeared worried, "I'm sure you don't want to be in that position, and if you really were a bad person, you wouldn't have told me. Is there anything I can do to cheer you up?" she asked, her voice so full of care for the Nima girl.
     Althea looked at her shocked, "Why would you try and help me? What makes me deserving of your help?" internally doubting herself, attempting to jump back into her hole.
     "Because, I want a world where people are willing to help others regardless of where they came from! Even if it's not the smart move, I'm still willing to help you as long as you're willing to help yourself" she declared, not stopping an inch for her friend.
     Althea started to tear up, her nose sniffling, her head tilting down. Unable to hand that, she stumbled toward Anna, quickly hugging her in an instant, letting go of all that sadness.
     "I'm sorry. I'll try and get better, but please be patient with me" she spoke, subtly letting go of that disingenuous thread she had held onto, letting it collapse to the ground beneath the bright sun.
     Anna patted her on the back, assuring her every step of the way. "Ya know, I've never had a friend who is a Fate Manipulator, so I think it's cool. At the end of the day, people should be judged by who they are as people" boldly speaking her ideals.
     Through the pain and tears, Althea opened her eyes, letting that statement sink in. Letting go of all the pain for that instant, all of those flickering memories dying down into tiny embers. Flickering off one by one, she spoke to herself one last time, reflecting on everything. "So this is what Deutsch people can really be like".
     In that sudden instant of pain, she noticed three strong people walk up to her, all of them walking in unison. Completely unscathed and unbothered, they approached Anna, coming to her while Althea's arms were wrapped tightly around her.
    Quickly clinging off of her friend, she turned to them, all of them being her former puppets, people controlled at her will, coming to confront that reality. Brought back from the depths of that control, beings she had to confess to, but more importantly, people that deserved her apologies.
     "So, Anna, ya ready to give your sweet goodbye to us" Prosteva remarked.
     She turned around, startled by their sudden introduction. Chuckling with them, she said, "I am, we really will miss you guys. You guys will always be rebellion members to us".
     Omono stepped in, "That's fair, and you guys will always be resistance members to us. Some day, we'll fix all this war and make a better future. I can promise that much" his words so emblematic of hope.
     "I really hope so too, you guys will do amazing" Anna spoke, commending her comrade.
     Taking a few steps towards Star, Anna looked at him, still closed off and to himself. Not saying much around her, his mannerisms expressed through silence.
     Tapping him on the shoulder, Anna said, "That goes for you two, I hope you figure out what happened with your body, who knows, you may have a rare branch" she spoke to him.
     "I hope so" he said calmly, "So far the doctors don't know, but I'll fight with whatever I have! I'll keep a world where all my friends can be safe" he promised, his eyes glimmering at the sky, setting a bright world for a future in front of him.
     Althea looked at him intently. "I'll be the first to support that dream, I am sorry for controlling you guys yesterday, and I really hope that didn't cause any tensions between you guys and us" she said, her head bowing sympathetically.
     Star replied, "No worries, it wouldn't help anyone to hold grudges over it, and besides, it doesn't matter where you're from. Even if you're Deutsch or apart of a tribe, what matters is what kind of a heart you have. I'll always live by that perspective" the cool wind settling the dust between the two of them.
     Immediately thinking of the four subjects, Althea clenched her fist, making an inward pact with herself. Their images trembled in her mind, finally cementing her purpose, the thing she would strive to achieve. A beacon of morality for her to hold onto with everything she had.
     "I have to agree, and I want to see a world where that is true" she commented, agreeing to that statement.
     Right as the dust started to settle, a familiar figure stepped into the frame, walking up from right beside Althea. Sticking his hand out, he gave a slight smile, showing some enthusiasm towards the fighter.
     Glisch nodded, "Well Star, you fought hard, just keep working to create a free Methuselah, and things will get better. Use that new power of yours to your advantage, and you'll achieve great things".
     A light flickered off from within Star, "I will, and I trust that you'll help make a better Nebel. Don't let me down".
     The two groups stood against one another, the resistance and the rebellion, both groups cemented under the same ideals. Brought forth from their ideals, the two groups had reached an agreement, a pact to create a brighter future. This was the path they wanted to follow, a path that aimed toward a freer society.
     The three heroes soon vanished, quickly walking away as they left Nebel, three close allies leaving their side. Moving off into the brighter sunlight their way, the group reminisced about their growth, united for the same peace, the same world view holding true. The path in front of them was long, yet rewarding.
     As the three were left alone, Glisch turned to Althea, quietly saying, "You did the right thing".
     She nodded, "I did what I needed to do, it wasn't fun, but I did it".
     Anna stepped in, "Oh, don't be harsh on yourself, you're still all right".
     Standing tall with the best of intentions, Glisch said, "So Althea, now that this fight is over, would you like to train in the outer lands with me? There's a lot I could teach you, and a lot of potential that you still have" he offered, the two of them stuck at a deal.
     Her body felt like a bundle of nerves, immediately fidgeting. Looking at Glisch with her full attention, she saw the figure of that mysterious figure start to fade, something she felt for the better, what was in front of her being a normal human. A fighter she was now on the same side with.
     "What's the point, I have no path, so I can't use any Nima powers in combat. What more is there?" she answered, throwing away all hope.
     He kept on pushing, seeing hope in the young girl, "And I can't even use my own branches, I'm in no better place than you. You do have potential, don't doubt yourself so much, I think you'll be a quick learner" he pointed out, inisting in their training.
     "I know that I'm no good at being a charismatic leader, I'm sure Lumen saw that in me, but I am willing to trust my own judgment, and you have potential" he informed her, pushing through despite the doubt.
     Opening her eyes to this offer, her stoic expression quickly turned into a smile, throwing out a punch that was an inch away from Glisch's chest, a sign of good will between the two. Almost ready to start laughing, she said, "Sure, but I'm not letting you pull your Zucken tricks, you weird Deutsch guy".
     "I wouldn't have it any other way from a stupid Nima like you" he answered, the two quickly going on a journey to the outer lands.
     Shut away from all of society, the two ventured off away to hone their skills, finding themselves in a place where the trees met open plains. A place of serenity rested outside of Nebel's capital, a place where all seemed slow and peaceful, a place where they could escape from war.
     Living away from the rest of the people, the two continued with days of pushing themselves to their limits, exploring their limits in the time of peace. Left with little tensions and little disaster around them, the two of them absorbed nature's serenity, a daily staple in their training. The wild lands perfect for exploration.
     Day after day during the three days of training, Althea managed to hone her recovery skills, weaving it into her combat. Sewing the needle of her poison skills, Althea started to become more well rounded, growing in strength, day after day providing new challenges.
     Gradually upping her game, that once shadowy prison that she was locked in started to fade. Each push, each strain, and each challenge only alleviated that confinement, shattering it under her will.
     Forming a pure one that rested beneath it, she started to cast out that inner resentment, those inner demons that hung on her shoulder. Arriving first as a Nima, she quickly emerged as a new figure. Those dark claws started to vanish, the horns were sliced, and the thread that confined her was soon loosened. What was left in the thread of webs was Althea, a girl with the will to move beyond.
     Disbanding it beneath her, one day in the early morning, she looked out into the sunset, the sun providing a nice light to her. Shimmering on her face, she held up her arm to block out the light, its presence so intense.
     Loose and weightless, her body remained open, exposed to whatever was in front of her, the vast oceans replaced with dense plains, a sight that reminded her of home. She sunk into the grass, sighing gently into the bold open sky, soon reminded of who she used to be.
     "So this is what it felt like to be myself, to not worry about who I was going to pull next, it feels good" she spoke to herself, that voice inside her projecting her will.
     A few footsteps started to patter behind her, pushing down on the grass blade by blade. That swishing sound started to grow louder, eventually standing next to her, observing the brilliant sunshine.
     He looked at her, "You've been improving, your recovery skills are on the same level of Anna's at this point, and I can tell your combat abilities are better. You're impressive for a healer" he emphasized, quietly going over the results.
     Althea got flustered, nervously shuffling back, "Hey don't say that, that is what's great about Magni branches, some people aren't good at certain stuff, but we all have a role to play. I was meant to be a healer, and that's what I want to do, I know I'm not the strongest, but at the end of the day, that's okay. I'm just one person" she vocalized.
     Glisch chuckled, "You really have broken out of your shell too, before you were almost as bad as me".
     She gave him a blank stare, "yeah, I guess that's true, but I really have enjoyed my time with you guys, so thank you. I know it's not easy to be the toughest, but it's just as hard to be as powerful as you guys and still treat those around you well. Even I'm not the best with that, and I worry that I won't be" that once happy voice turning saddened.
     Glisch loosened the red scarf around his neck, untying the not as it hung from his fingers, on display to Althea. Holding it with pride, he said, "Do you know what the rebellion represents?".
     "No, I don't, but doesn't it mean to go against the rules?" she answered.
     "It means that we judge people as individuals, not by their group. We believe that human nature cannot be changed, and anybody who tries to will only be a pawn to those same desires. We want to create a world where individuals strive to be their best, not one where groups are against one another. The world has a lot of obstacles that nobody is immune to, and at the end of the day we are still people, regardless of where they came from" he spoke, letting loose all of the knowledge he had stored up, years of wisdom on display.
     "That is why we want to give you a chance to join the rebellion" he said, extending his hand to her, a sign of good will between the two.
     She froze up, unable to take the news, unable to contain herself. Scared, frightened, and confused, she said, "You know I have to return to Welland right, if I don't go back, who knows what they'll do if I don't return".
     "Escape, it's the only thing you can do, because by the end of this year, Nebel and Welland will be engaged in war..." his cold words muttered, setting the stage for days of deadly disasters, atrocities, and damages to occur.
     Picturing images of a distraught society turning on one another, she asked, "What made that happen? What does Nebel have against Welland?..".
     Glisch stepped up, quickly explaining the history of it all as he said, "Ya know, over a century ago, the catastrophic war changed humanity. It came after a time of immense prosperity, days where people lived abundant lives that only hurt them in the end. Slowly over time, people wanted more and more, which formed into a war that split up the countries, leading to massive changes to the world around us".
      "From that war, the four different conintental powers were formed, the long lived society of Nebel surviving the atrocious war, and Welland becoming a super power through that war as well. However, through that war, the nations that fell in between got wrapped up, known as the rural nations, divided to prevent a power imablance. A lot of those nations can't defend themselves against incoming threats, which is what Welland wants to do. Sick of their losses, they want to become an even greater nation with as much power as The Urban, and we don't stand for that. We want to end what Welland is trying to do, and give some sense of peace. With that in mind, Welland will crumble, and it's unlikely that the city will recover from it, they'll just burn out all their resources with time, so it's your only option to come here" he offered, his words so dark, yet holding onto the only hope.
     "You don't deserve to suffer because of them, so no matter what it takes, run! Even if you're the only one, that's better than none. Please, don't hurt yourself in that process" he urged, his voice holding bits of compassion in between.
     Clenching her fist tightly, she felt those four silhouettes fly by, all of them looking at her once more. Those shadows, viewing her as the last hope, prompted her next motives, the ones that she would hold deep within her. That inner voice speaking to her again.
     "I have to make things right, for the four of them, I won't let them suffer like I did" she said to herself, giving her all the motivation to move forward.
     Reaching her hand out firm, she shook Glisch's hand, looking him intently in the eyes as she said, "I'll promise to do my best, even if it takes a lot from me, I'll do it! I promise that I'll make it out of Welland!" she thought, the backdrop of war fresh in her mind, the sudden fate that she wanted to avoid.

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